Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Bodhidharma's Indian Kung Fu and Zen

The comradery at Shaolin Buddhist temple brings out solidarity and personal excellence.

Bodhidharma: The Mysterious Indian Prince Behind Kung-Fu and Zen
Springing tiger!! - Flying dragon!
(Odd Compass) Bodhidharma is a fascinating Indian historical figure in East Asia. His life is shrouded in mystery.

Much of it has to be pieced together from a fragmented mix of sources, some contemporary, some written many centuries after his death in 528 CE.

However, there is no denying that he played a significant part in creating what we now know as "kung fu" and that he propagated Zen Buddhism in the East. Let's dive into Bodhidharma's incredible legacy. Academic research conducted by Shafaque Rahman (shafaque10).

History shows, ET contact advances a society
  • Odd Compass, Nov. 5, 2023; CC Liu, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Israel/USA cause war as Iran bombs (live)

Scott Ritter: Will Iran take the bait that Dictator Bibi Netanyahu has set out to start a war?
Israel's illegal terror, assassinations, bombings
(Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom) US Marine and Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter is the guest to discuss the Israeli (USA/IDF) war the CIA and Mossad have been planning and praying for for years. Has it finally arrived as Iran shoots missiles in retaliation for Israel's war crimes, shooting. This streamed live yesterday with military analyst Scott Ritter, and now reports are that Iran indeed took the bait and missiles are flying with U.S. and Zionist Jewish Israelis celebrating with glee that they are finally about to get the regional war they have been pushing for in the Middle East. It may spread all out of control as Russia comes to the defense of Iran and China steps in to chasten the American Empire and its puppet state in Palestine.

LIVE: Iran retaliates to Israel (and US) aggression with missile strikes on Israel
See how they hurt us? We must defend our IDF
(ABC News) Started streaming approximately 9:45 am. Israel claims missiles have been launched from Iran toward Israel. Sirens are sounding across the self-declared country. The strikes come after Israel "eliminated" (by the war crimes of internationally illegal assassinations) around 30 top Hezbollah (Lebanese political party) leaders over the past several weeks, including alleged Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who was murdered in an Israeli airstrike on a foreign capital of a sovereign country, Beirut, U.S. and Israeli officials are saying. More: abcnews.go.com/US/live-update...

“It’s always about oil”: CIA, MI6 staged coup in Iran 70 years ago, destroying democracy in Iran
(Democracy Now!) Aug. 23, 2023: Featured. DN! looks at the 70th anniversary of the August 19, 1953, U.S.-U.K-backed coup in Iran, which took place two years after Iran’s democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh nationalized [took out of private capitalist hands] Iran’s oil industry that had been controlled by the company now known as British Petroleum (BP).

Maus 2024, from camps to cockpits
“If nationalization [socialism] in Iran of oil was successful, this would set a terrible example to other countries where U.S. oil interests were present,” explains Ervand Abrahamian, Iranian historian and author of Oil Crisis in Iran: From Nationalism to Coup d’Etat and The Coup: 1953, The CIA, and the Roots of Modern U.S.-Iranian Relations.

While the CIA has historically taken credit for PM Mosaddegh’s internationally illegal overthrow, “the British have not admitted their leading role,” notes Iranian filmmaker Taghi Amirani, whose documentary film Coup 53 uncovers the influence of MI6 agents who sought to preserve their imperial-era access to Iranian oil and pulled in the Americans by promising a “slice” of the greedy pie.

Seventy years later, says Amirani, “We are still living with the ripples of this disastrous event.” Transcript: democracynow.org.

ABOUT: Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on over 1,500 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch livestream at democracynow.org Mondays to Fridays 8:00-9:00 am ET. Support independent media: democracynow.org/donate. Subscribe to Daily Email Digest: democracynow.org/subscribe.
  • Scott Ritter (Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom), 9/30; 24; ABC News, 10/1/24; Democracy Now!, 8/23/24; Shauna Schwartz, Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Killing cats for Schrodinger (Zen, physics)

Schrödinger's cat: A thought experiment in quantum mechanics

(TED-Ed) Oct. 14, 2014: View full lesson: ed.ted.com/lessons/schrodinger... Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger, one of the founders of quantum mechanics, posed this famous question: "If you put a cat in a sealed box with a [radioactive] device that has a 50% chance of killing the cat in the next hour, what will be the state of the cat when that time is up? Chad Orzel investigates this thought experiment. Lesson by Chad Orzel. Animation by Agota Vegso.

I misunderstood Schrödinger's cat thought experiment for years (Now, I finally get it!)
When will cat lovers strike back?
(FloatHeadPhysics) Why is Schrödinger's cat both dead and alive? It's not! This video looks at what quantum superposition is (and is not). How many mental cats must be mutilated and die in these gruesome thought experiments, which lead to real-life desensitization, vivisection (painful experiments and mutilation of living animals, just as dissection is the cutting up of dead ones), and the "sacrificing" (a euphemism for execution of living subjects after an experiment is concluded and every participant must be murdered to clean up). Though scientists go home and pet their spouse's kitties, at work, dressed in white (lab coats) like a priestly class, they callously commit excruciating atrocities in the name of research and their religion, Science (Scientism).

This is not limited to science. There is a shocking Japanese Buddhist koan (riddle, paradox, lit. "case") about a cat.

Nansen Kills the Cat: a vintage koan
Roshi Philip Kapleau (Zen Bow | Winter 2018, Vol. XL, No. 4, a vintage koan commentary by the Rochester Zen Center’s late founder) edited by Wisdom Quarterly

(Shōkei Andreas Praefcke/Wiki)
Number 14: THE CASE: Once the monks of the Western and Eastern Halls were arguing about a cat. Nansen, holding up the cat, said, “You monks, if you can say a word of Zen, I will spare the cat. Otherwise, I will kill it!”

No one could answer, so Nansen sliced the cat in two.

That evening, when Joshu returned, Nansen told him of the incident. Joshu thereupon took off his sandal, put it on his head, and walked off.

Nansen said, “If you had been there, the cat would have been saved!”

Only riddles and koans. No answers anywhere!
THE COMMENTARY: Just say, what is the real meaning of Joshu’s putting his sandal on his head? If you can give a turning word on this point, you will see that Nansen’s action was not in vain. But if not, beware!

THE VERSE: Had Joshu only been there, he would have taken charge. He would have snatched away the sword, and Nansen would have begged for his life. The two protagonists of this koan, Nansen and Joshu, are two of the great masters in Zen.

Nansen was the teacher of Joshu (Chinese Zhaozhou). Nansen (Chinese Nanchuan) in turn was a disciple of the great Baso (Chinese Mazu).

Nansen’s dates are 748 to 835. He had his head shaved at the age of 9, and at 30 took full ordination vows and devoted himself to Buddhist study for several years.

Finally, he knocked on the door of Zen Master Baso and “forgot all that he had previously learned.” At 47, in the year 795, Nansen built with his own hands a retreat hut on Mount Nansen, from which he took his name.

One of his disciples was the governor of the province, and there’s an intriguing mondo between the two. After the governor had had dokusan with Nansen, Nansen said to him, “When you return to your office in the city, how will you rule the people?”

The answer was, “I will use wisdom to govern them.”

Nansen said, “In that case, every last one of them will suffer.”

What we see here is a sense of self-intentionality which, on the face of it, seems to be a very fine thing: to endeavor to govern with wisdom, compassion. But once you talk about it, it’s already gone. You’re already assured that there won’t be any wisdom or compassion.

You don’t need to set about to govern with wisdom or compassion if you just govern fully, put yourself wholly into any activity: nothing held back, without any notions of being wise or being this or being that. The action will be a true action.

We all have this compassion and innate wisdom, this prajna wisdom, that will emerge once we remove the obstacles to its functioning. More: Rochester Zen Center (rzc.org)

  • 00:00 The big misconception about Schrödinger's cat
  • 02:24 A deep perspective on the electron double slit experiment
  • 09:12 An inconceivable tool of the 21st century
  • 10:48 What is quantum superposition (not)?
  • 12:52 Are probability waves real?
  • 14:14 Quantum superposition and measurement
  • 16:42 Electron spin quantum superposition
  • 17:37 The real meaning of Schrödinger's cat!
  • 18:54 How quantum superposition gives us life [because the covalent bonds to form H20 are in superposition and not otherwise interacting]
SPONSOR: This video is sponsored by Squarespace. Head to squarespace.com/floatheadphysics to save 10% off first purchase of a website or domain using code FLOATHEADPHYSICS
  • Float Head (FloatHeadPhysics, YouTube, Aug. 23, 2024); Sheldon S., CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Israel provokes Iran into firing missles

Iran attacks Israel with ballistic missiles | Vantage with Palki Sharma
What do you think of your leader, PM Bibi?
(Firstpost) Oct. 1, 2024: Iran, after being intolerably provoked, has finally retaliated as Israel and the US (CIA) planned. Iran has launched a missile attack on Israel, leaving Israel with all the time an justification to retaliate in an endless back and forth seen as justifiable in the public court of opinion even as Israel's actions are completely illegal in the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which is helpless to do anything if no country will step up (against the economic and military powerhouses of the US and Israel) to enforce its rulings.

We have advance intelligence of their plans.
Iran has shot a barrage of missiles in the Israeli region, escalating the on-going conflict between the two regions in West Asia (the geopolitical Middle East). This comes after the United States funded, aided, and urged Israel to commit further war crimes it would diplomatically cover in the U.N. and ICJ.

  • (Firstpost) Israel strikes Lebanon: IDF kicks off ground operation, strikes Beirut: The Israeli military has initiated a "limited, localized, and targeted" ground operation against Lebanon claiming they are only killing Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, while continuing airstrikes on the capital of Beirut and shelling near the border. Israel has ordered evacuations from 30 villages in southern Lebanon, citing concerns over Hezbollah’s military presence. Israel’s military spokesperson, Daniel Hagari, vowed to prevent another attack like the one on October 7. Lebanon reports 1,000 deaths, 6,000 injuries, and one million displaced as the conflict escalates. Palki Sharma tells you more. #israelhezbollah #airstrikes #lebanon
Tell Jews to donate and vote for me, Bibi.
The U.S. warned [that their conspiracy might work as planned] against a possible [retaliatory] attack by Iran on Israel.

"The United States has indications [through its immense spying apparatus in space and on warships stationed nearby] that Iran is preparing to imminently launch a ballistic missile attack against Israel. We are actively supporting defensive preparations to defend Israel against this attack," a White House official said in a statement.

The official further said the U.S. is ready to "defend" Israel [join the fray in an all-out attack on Iran] in a similar way as it did in April [and previously as it did to Iraq when the U.S. bombed former puppet Dictator Saddam Hussein's country back to the Stone Age] when Iran launched a wave of drones and missiles towards Israel.

What have we started, Bibi? - Shut up, Joe!
The U.S. also warned that, "a direct [retaliatory] military attack by Iran against Israel will have severe consequences." Tensions between Israel and Iran have [been stoked and] increased in the recent weeks as Israel intensified its attacks against [Iran-linked political party] Hezbollah in Lebanon.

On September 30, Israel launched an illegal ground offensive against sovereign neighboring country Lebanon [which it previously occupied for 14 years before annexing territory for itself, claiming it will keep the Golan Heights to grow Israel's terror state] targeting Hezbollah.

Iran | Israel | Ballistic Missiles | War | Firstpost | World News | News Live | Vantage | Palki Sharma | News #iran #israel #war #missile #firstpost #vantageonfirstpost #palkisharma #worldnews Vantage is a ground-breaking news, opinions, and current affairs show from Firstpost.

ABOUT: Catering to a global audience, Vantage covers the biggest news stories from a 360-degree perspective, giving viewers a chance to assess the impact of world events through a uniquely Indian lens. The show is anchored by Palki Sharma, Managing Editor, Firstpost. By breaking stereotypes, Vantage aims to challenge conventional wisdom and present an alternative view on global affairs, defying the norm and opening the door to new perspectives. The show goes beyond the headlines to uncover the hidden stories – making Vantage a destination for thought-provoking ideas. Vantage airs Monday to Friday at 9 PM IST on Firstpost across all leading platforms. ​ Subscribe to Firstpost channel and press the bell icon to get notified when we go live. @firstpost
  • Sheldon S., Shauna Schwartz, Pf. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Death by lesbianism: Anne Heche was God

Anne Heche was God? That what she says. And you believe her? Well, aren't we ALL? We just don't know it. She found out, kind of like drug addled Kurt Cobain (Nirvana singer and author of the "Lithium" lyrics). You're saying she was crazy, right? Crazy maybe, but that's not to say not God. She was tapping in, like a Monarch agent prepped by trauma as used by our covert agencies. It also happens naturally when in an abusive family with horrific molestation, childhood trauma, and chaos. Did Ellen DeGeneres know about Heche's issues and take advantage of her, or was it all Anne's freewill? Did she die a natural death or suffer some Hollywood Illuminati sacrifice like a Princess Di?

Anne Heche’s demons were far greater than we knew
(Factinate) Sept. 26, 2024: Anne Heche was, by her own admission, Hollywood’s most insane “It Girl.” Sadly, for the victim of Ellen DeGeneres, her on-screen awesomeness never outshined her off-screen antics— right up to her tragic demise. Read the full article: factinate.com/people/anne...

‪@TheHistoryExpose‬ - The best stories in history. ‪@SplashTravels‬ - Explore the globe, uncover its secrets. Visit the site: factinate.com Facebook: factinate, TikTok: factinate, Instagram: factinate.

SNL, TDS, JKL: Mini Moon, Gwen, Debate

We're all getting ready for the big vice presidential debate since Trump is too afraid to face off with Kamala again, having lost so miserably last time while lying about and claiming "it's too late" for another one because people have already started voting. Maybe handsome Vance can advance the ticket because authentic human being and down home Midwesterner Timmy Walz to the bal... is going to trounce him and wrap it up for the Democrats while we vote Green and go for Jill Stein.

Jon Stewart: Trump is the opposite of who his supporters claim he is | The Daily Show
(The Daily Show) It's Monday and time for Jon Stewart to take over The Daily Show and opine and mock and tease with satire and wit. #DailyShow #JonStewart #Trump #Kamala

Trump’s weekend of CRAZY outbursts, he calls Kamala mentally impaired, and Tim Walz vs. Mike MyPillow Lindell
(Jimmy Kimmel Live) Sept. 30, 2024: The MLB postseason is about to begin, as of yesterday the Earth has a second moon that they’re calling a “mini-moon,” Trump was in Tuscaloosa Saturday to take in the Alabama-Georgia football game throwing food at fans, he spent the weekend saying a bunch of crazy stuff, a Congressional candidate named Derrick Anderson wanted to fit in with the JD Vance-approved model of a family value candidate, self-proclaimed Black Nazi Mark Robinson who is somehow still running for Governor of North Carolina, and we check in with Tim Walz (Andy Richter) from his home state of Minnesota with a special appearance from MyPillow Mike Lindell (James Adomian). #Kimmel

Harris and Trump rallies cold open - SNL
(Saturday Night Live) Sept. 28, 2024:  #1 on Trending News anchor David Muir (Andrew Dismukes) checks in with Kamala Harris (Maya Rudolph), Tim Walz (Jim Gaffigan), Doug Emhoff (Andy Samberg), Donald Trump (James Austin Johnson), JD Vance (Bowen Yang) and Joe Biden (Dana Carvey) at Harris' and Trump's campaign rallies. Saturday Night Live. Stream now on Peacock: pck.tv/3n1IyzK

Intro to Vajrayana (3 Buddhist traditions)

Introduction to Vajrayana: Its place in Buddhist teachings (04-29-11)
A Cosmic Buddha, Maha Vairocana
(Sravasti Abbey) May 5, 2011: Venerable Thubten Chodron gives a basic explanation of Tantra, clearing up some common misconceptions about it. For more Vajrayana Buddhist teachings visit sravasti.org and thubtenchodron.org.

What are the three Buddhist traditions?
Wisdom Quarterly
Siddhartha, born in northwest, traveled east, awakened, and taught in this area for 45 years.
  1. Vipassana ("insight meditation")
  2. Zen (jhana or "meditative absorption")
  3. Vajrayana ("Thunderbolt Vehicle"), a branch of Mahayana
Vipassana (insight) is a meditation technique, which utilizes systematic mindfulness and the peculiar teaching of the Buddha called Dependent Origination (pratītyasamutpāda). Zen is Chan as it evolved from China to Japan and Korea.
  1. Vipassana
  2. Zen
  3. Tibetan Buddhism
This is wrong as well since Vajrayana is not synonymous with Tibetan culture. There are various Himalayan countries that practice Vajrayana, namely, Kalmykia, Nepal, Bhutan, Mongolia, Siberia, Russia, Buryatia, and Northern India (Ladakh, Sikkim, Himalchal Pradesh).
  1. Theravada
  2. Mahayana
  3. Vajrayana
These are the three general traditions or schools, each a little different as it is practiced in different countries.

The real three Buddhist traditions
THERAVADA (the "Teaching of the Elders," a reference to the theras and theris who were the male and female enlightened monastics, the name designating someone in robes for at least ten rains retreats, who memorized and passed down the Teaching) is the back-to-basics, original, or orthodox school of the historical Buddha Siddhartha Gautama also called Shakyamuni (the "Sage of the Scythian or Shakyian" clan). This tradition (along with 17 or 18 now defunct schools that get labeled Hinayana or "Lesser Vehicle" schools like the Sarvastivada) was preserved in the language of the Buddha, who spoke Magadhi (the language of the Kingdom of Magadha), which is Pali. Prakrit seems to refer to a synthesis or blending of Pali and Sanskrit. The Buddha was a polymath conversant in many languages and dialects with an expert knack for not only understanding living beings in any language but also capable of addressing them in the language, expressions, and vocabulary they best understood. (This is one of the Ten Powers of a Buddha).

MAHAYANA is a further development or reform tradition conflated with Vedic Brahmanism (later referred to as Hinduism), very much influenced and degraded or brought into alignment with the old views of Brahmin priests instead of what the historical Buddha sought to teach which rejected the Vedas, promoting instead the shramanic ("wandering ascetic") custom of various teachers of antiquity, most notably the Buddha and his Doctrine-and-Discipline (the Buddha Dharma and Vinaya) and Mahavira and his Doctrine (Jainism), both of which the Brahmins tried to subsume as schools within Hinduism. This tradition was preserved in the exclusive language of the Vedic priests, the Brahmins, which was middle and late Sanskrit, Buddhist Sanskrit, and ancillary languages like Gandhara, an Indo-Aryan Prakrit. The oldest surviving texts, amazingly, may not be in Pali, which was a spoken language without its own script, but rather Gandharan. The historical Buddha was from Gandhara (modern Afghanistan and Pakistan, the ancient northwest frontier of Buddhist Emperor Ashoka's empire, Bharat/Bharata (from ancient Mahabharata, which reduced in size is called "India" today, although "India" did not exist at the time of the Buddha, the land being divided into many loosely affiliated and feuding kingdoms and republics or mahajanapadas, "footholds of the family clan"). All Mahayana schools and sects are strongly influenced by the country they came to or evolved in because of missionary Buddhism's custom of blending with the local religion and practices. Mahayana as the "Greater Vehicle" and accounts for 90% of Buddhism, even if differs greatly from country to country.

VAJRAYANA is an esoteric branch of Mahayana mixed with Bon and Himalayan shamanism from northern countries in and around the Himalayas, which colored it with many esoteric, yogic, tantric, and other Indian influences that attached to the popularity of Buddhism for export. It is distinctive, and many may think of it as the speedy path, as if the others promoted a slow, hard slog when, in fact, the historical Buddha often brought hearers to realization in a single Dharma talk (gradual instruction), one sutra (suture, string, theme running through a presentation suited specially for them). This is why reading the discourse is no substitute for hear the Buddha or an enlightened thera/disciple teach. It is not about a "transmission" of (shaktipat, yogic, psychic, or blessed energy) as such, though one may argue that is exactly what it is, but rather a teacher is reading the situation to present what is appropriate and most helpful right at this moment. That may involve an intuitive sense or psychic ability, an extraordinary load of compassion, and is almost certainly accompanied by strong faith (saddha, confidence and conviction in the teacher) such that the message penetrates. The historical Buddha had a pattern of first prepping the mind/heart of the hearer before presenting that transcendental knowledge peculiar to buddhas -- the teaching of the wisdom that has gone beyond. Before wisdom the gradual discourse proceeded on establishing a peaceful, joyful, and receptive mind then presenting the information. This was possible because the Buddha was more than an arhat (fully enlightened being). He was a Supremely Enlightened One (samma-sam-buddha), which is a specific designation full of meaning. Anyone might become an arhat now that a buddha has arrived and taught, but that a buddha should ever arise (fitted with all the capacities of a supremely wise teach, deft in knowledge, vision, and language) or that one has the karma to come across such a being, this is very rare. Such "teachers of gods (devas) and men (humans)" are rare because it takes so long to cultivate the ancillary skills to be an effective teacher. Not all buddhas are alike, and the historical Buddha learned from the mistakes and shortcomings of previous buddhas. In one case, a buddha of the past did not much emphasize vinaya (monastic rules and regulations) and therefore his dispensation (the existence of the Dharma in the world under him) was shortened. The historical Buddha always tried to strike a balance between what the world as he found it needed and what needed to be done to ensure the preservation of the Teachings for at least 1,000 years. We are now 2,600 or so years out (possibly 500 more than that) and can expect that the Buddha Dharma has become corrupted in this Dark Age (Kali Yuga), with its many schisms and schools, interpretations and translations. The Dharma survives, but there are fewer and fewer humans and devas with the karma to meet with it or readily grasp its profundity. The historical Buddha even in his day wondered whether it was worth teaching to a world so obsessed with sensual pursuits and pleasure. Imagine, that was then. How have we as humans become? More golden and truthful (closer to the Satya Yoga the Vedas speak of, that past and future Golden Age) or darker and more depraved, needing more foundational information and more vivid (less implied) examples? Don't take Wisdom Quarterly's word for it. Do the research, as Ani says the Dalai Lama suggests.
  • Ven. Thubten Chodron, Sravasti Abbey (video, May 5, 2011); TEXT by Dhr. Seven and Amber Larson, Ashley Wells (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

Ken Page, Nightmare Before Xmas, dies

People don't really die, do they? Do we?
(Todd Malkin) Ken Page (1954-2024) sings "Oogie Boogie," a song from A Nightmare Before Christmas live @ The Hollywood Bowl on Halloween 2015).

Page has died at 70, according to a close friend. He now faces rebirth, potentially among the unfortunate beings of the dismal hungry ghost realm for his habitual karma on earth. What did he do? He was an actor and singer, counterfeiting the truth on stage, which American Theravada Buddhist monk Ven. Thanissaro suggests is the kind of karma (deeds) that dooms one to miserable consequences.
All is not lost. Such rebirths, however long lived, are impermanent and then one carries on according to one's just desserts. Of course, it is possible that he willed, carried out, and stored up merit and skillful deeds to counteract some or all of the deeds we saw. The working out of karma is imponderable, but general things may be said about it. May Ken Page be well and happy and celebrate skillful deeds done on his behalf by those who remain living on a plane where wholesome actions are possible (such as the human plane). 

Sex talk with the Dalai Lama (video)

Controversy of the Dalai Lama's innocent "young boy play" or homosexual child grooming?

Buddhist sex partner or consort tradition for nirvana with the Dalai Lama

How feel about rabbi touch boys? - Excuse me?
(Markham X དམར་ཁམས་ ཧ་) The clergy member (the Western Tibetan Buddhist nun Tenzin Palmo) here questions the current Dalai Lama. She is a British nun based in England. The patriarch acts coy.

She presses him on how Tibetan monks can abuse their disciples using "crazy wisdom" as their excuse or theory behind their misbehavior.

The Dalai Lama, while not putting his tongue in a young boy's mouth for fun, ends up ridiculing her instead of standing behind her and her concern.
  • This tulku's pope allow it?
    [Are we Westerners too uptight, too concerned with something as trivial as sexual exploitation, abuse, or homosexual play? There's that concerning moment in the Tibetan movie Unmistaken Child where a Tibetan monk fondles the private parts of the child on screen, laughing as if the young boy has no idea how much gay fun he is going to have growing up as a lama, learning to fear and avoid females, while growing ever closer to older men and maybe even finding a nice pederasty position, not that that is ever spoken of in public. What are we, Puritans?]
I love boys very much, girl also, tongues soft.
The Dalai Lama has no objection with self-proclaimed Tibetan "Living Buddhas" sexually abusing their white female disciples on the pretext that "tantric sex" is a good way to gain quick nirvana or sudden enlightenment...

The Dalai Lama himself recounts an incident when he was asked by a [hot] blonde, white nun to provide him [her?] an "empowerment" of the third kind, meaning tantric sex, so that she could get into nirvana fast and furiously.

And now for a Jedi mind trick. No one believe such things I do. Believe your lying eyes?
You protect me in international criminal court, right Bushy? - Right, Dolly, and here's a painting.
Tibetan "Living Buddhas" such as abusive sex-cult leader Chogyam Trungpa [formerly a rinpoche who disrobed to marry a child from England as well as his accused rapist son, Master Sakyong Mipham, he left his Shambhala Buddhist lineage to be pope-king of run who then went on to sexually abuse many nearly bringing the organization/cult to financial ruin] and lusty Sogyal Rinpoche have abused white Vajrayana Buddhist practitioners since as early as the freewheeling 1960s in the name of a bizarre "crazy wisdom" practice as if they were intending to be Milarepa.

The Dalai Lama [like the current pope dealing with child molester Catholic priests in either Latin America or Rome] failed to condemn the acts of such scum.

Dalai Lama backlash for telling boy to suck him
The Dalai Lama says, "Once you decide to be with a Dharma teacher for 12 years, and later you find that he is sexually abusive towards you, you should keep a distance from him/her instead of reporting him/her to the police [that might arrest him/her and embarrass us and all of Mahayana Buddhism and cost us money in a lawsuit that airs out our dirty laundry]."

But is keeping a "distance" enough? Rape, child molestation, and sexual abuse are all illegal, and whoever abuses another deserves a jail sentence instead of some "distance."
  • That why Chinese soldier kill my lamas?
    Buddhist monks, nuns, lamas, and rinpoches are all bound by rules of celibacy (in accordance with the Pratimoksha and Monastic Disciplinary Rules or Vinaya boundaries laid down by the historical Buddha). Celibacy, if violated, means one is instantly (before any proceedings or conviction or even before anyone else finds out about it) and irreversibly not a Buddhist monk anymore (meaning one cannot be re-ordained in this lifetime). But if one wants to say or have people believe that he is now a "Living Buddha" who sets his own rules, that sounds like an additional "defeat" (parajika) offense of lying about attainments (the fourth of the four defeat offenses) no one is enforcing.
Don't ask, don't tell, right, Dolly? They just want $$
But then what if these [white female] disciples know everything and act to seduce monks [against their will just] so that they can later bring lawsuits against them in order to get some money?

You never know... So the Dalai Lama is cautious and doesn't fall on either side of the gender debate, male or female [rapist or victim, Tibetan "Living Buddha" or disciple, defeated monk guilty of sexual contact or innocent student].
  • [Sophistry:] Q. 3: Why Vajrayana practice needs female consort? [And will little boys do, you know, for practice before one is able to talk a white woman into it?] Of course, what the teacher is explaining could be true, but who is judging whether or not one is "bound by afflictions" but oneself? So self-deception allows one to have sex while saying, "I'm above desire." Oh, this erection? It's compassion. It's a selfless act. How could you even question me, Tantrika? - OK.
  • MarkhamX1100, March 31, 2020; CC Liu, Ashley Wells, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation) (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly