Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tibetans plan protests to "welcome" China

Tibetan groups plan protests to "welcome" Chinese premier

Hindustan Times (Dec. 15, 2010)
NEW DELHI, India - It's not just the Indian government that's gearing up to welcome Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. Tibetan organizations in the city are drawing up their plans as well, albeit for a different reason. Students for a Free Tibet (SFT), Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC), Tibetan Women's Association, and Friends of Tibet India plan to stage protests across the city in the next three days, when the Chinese Premier will be in the Capital.

TYC members will hold a protest march starting from Rajghat at 11:00 am. It will wind up in central Delhi. "Around 500 of us will march under the banner: 'Free Tibet W(h)en, Free Tibet now,' " said Tenzin Norsang, TYC joint secretary.

Protests have also been planned for Dec. 16 and 17, but Norsang refused to give out further details. Tibetan poet and freedom activist Tenzing Tsundue will also join. In 2002, Tsundue climbed the scaffolding of a Mumbai [Bombay] building where then Chinese premier Zhu Rongji was staying. He carried a banner that read "Free Tibet"... More>>

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