Monday, January 3, 2011

The Heedfulness Sutra

Wisdom Quarterly translation of SN 3.17

Thus have I heard. Once the Buddha was residing in Savatthi. Then King Pasenadi of Kosala approached, bowed, sat to one side, and said: "Bhagwan, is there any single quality that ensures benefit in both ways, that is, in this life and lives to come?"

The Buddha replied, "There is a quality, great king, that ensures benefit in both ways."

"Bhagwan, what is that quality?"

"Heedfulness, great king, is that quality. Just as the footprints of all beings with feet fit within the elephant's footprint, and just as the elephant's footprint is reckoned supreme among them, in the very same way, heedfulness is the single quality that ensures benefit in both ways -- in this life and in lives to come."

That is what the Blessed One said. Having stated that, the Tathagata and Teacher added:

For anyone who desires long life,
health, beauty, heavenly and noble rebirths,
sensual delights one after another --
the wise praise heedfulness,
performing deeds of merit.
The heedful and wise achieve two benefits,
those in this life and in lives to come.
By establishing one's own benefit,
one becomes enlightened and wise.

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