Wednesday, September 21, 2011

URGENT ACTION: No to State Lynchings

Execution? Not in our name! Supreme Court stay rumored.
Democracy Now! Live Special
3:00-5:00 pm, Wednesday
Watch live from Democracy Now: On location in Georgia covering the legal lynching

There is a last ditch effort to ask Pres. Obama or Attorney General Holder to take action regarding the execution of Troy Anthony Davis.

This is a call to community radio stations to please ask listeners to go to the Answer Coalition website at to send a letter to President Obama and Attorney General Holder requesting action.
Troy Davis execution in Georgia stirs rush for last minute clemency (Image:

It is not only the execution of an innocent black man but the lynching of a guilty white supremacist (Lawrence Brewer) taking place today. No to the death "penalty" for anyone. It does not work to prevent murder but exacerbates it. In every state in the world, the banning of the death penalty has not increased murder rates. Few police states in the world continue this barbaric practice, which is even opposed by former FBI Director Sessions. Among them Iran, Saudi Arabia, China, Pakistan, and the US are responsible for 90 percent of state murders. Brewer is being used to sell the death penalty, which disproportionately targets and is implemented against ethnic minorities in an openly naked racist way in the US.
People can also call the White House switchboard at 1-202-456-1111 or go to and click CONTACT US in the upper right hand corner.

() Davis is at risk of execution even though his innocence is likely. Part One "The Investigation" gives a thorough explanation of the case and the many problems with the investigation. With appeals exhausted, Davis' fate is in the hands of Georgia's Board of Pardons and Paroles. Once an execution date is scheduled, there is an option of permanently preventing his execution.

NCADP, Friend, Fellow Abolitionist Message
We at the National Committee to Abolish the Death Penalty have been working around the clock, and many creative actions are under way. Below is the alert we sent yesterday -- if you have not taken the actions within, please do so now. In DC, we'll be gathering at 6pm at Vernon Square, across from the DC Convention Center where the Congressional Black Caucus is holding its annual convention in order to involve as many of those leaders as possible.

Yesterday, Troy sent the following message:

"The struggle for justice does not end with me. This struggle is for all the Troy Davis' who came before me. I'm in good spirits and I'm prayerful and at peace. But I will not stop fighting until I've taken my last breath. Georgia is prepared to snuff out the life of an innocent man."

So Keep Hope Alive!
In a bit of good news, last night's scheduled execution in Texas was stayed by the U.S. Supreme Court.

This is an odd juxtaposition of two executions scheduled for exactly the same time this evening. At 7:00 pm EDT in Georgia, racism plays a part in the execution of Troy Davis. At 6:00 pm CDT in Texas, Lawrence Brewer is to be executed for his participation in the infamous racist hate crime dragging murder of James Byrd in Jasper, TX in 1998.

Please join NCADP in opposing the executions of both men. We stand against all executions without reservation. Keep in your thoughts and prayers the families of James Byrd and [Security Guard] MacPhail, the families of the men being executed and those men, all those whose jobs require their [karmically abysmal] participation in this process, and all those working to stop the executions.
  • Please do something today to stand visibly in opposition to the death penalty:
Troy Davis vigils today in SoCal:

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