Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Buddha Boy's Timeless Message (video)

Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly; Ram Bahadur Bomjan (DharmaSangha.info)
Buddha Boy (aka, Ram Bahadur Bomjon, Palden Dorje, Ven. Dharma Sangha) taking food
Buddha Boy speaks (World Peace Maitri Puja, March 21, 2012)
Wheel of the true Dharma
(WQ) TRANSLATION: "Having followed the Middle Way of the Dharma in search of the Path of Purification, I am delivering this timeless message at the World Peace Friendship Program, lovingly benefiting all Dharma-adoring followers for the liberation of all sentient beings from [physical] pain and [psychological] suffering. By the form of the guru path, [this community] Bodhi Shravan Dharma Sangha was established after having arrived on Earth [26 centuries] ago according to the Maitri calender. Just as a flower without obstacle freely offers its fragrance and beauty to the entire world, and proves itself fragrant and beautiful by doing so -- so, too, should humans eliminate from their lives attachment, greed, desire, anger, pride, murder, violence, and other defilements (kleshas). For unless one cultivates the true Dharma's precepts, the fragrant and beautiful flower cannot blossom."

Blessing program: June 2013
All punks and monks welcome (FOB)
The next "blessing program" (puja) will be organized in Chitwan district, Nepal, lasting from June 8-12, 2013, in the presence of Ven. Dharma Sangha ("Buddha Boy"). Dharma-lovers, peace-lovers, and truthseekers from all over the world are invited to attend and meditate in his presence. Register now.
  • LOCATION: Sarada (City) Nagar - 5 Naya Bazar - Chitwan, Nepal (etapasvi.com)
Any and all help with, and monetary support for, the preparation and organization of this program is appreciated.
Sarada Nagar Ghol, 44200, Nepal, between Pokhara (on left) and Kathmandu (Google Map)

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