Thursday, May 2, 2013

Celebrity mom dating daughter's ex! (cartoon)

(Family Guy) Lois Griffin stealing Meg's b/f in a chilling episode on self-esteem and infidelity.

Happy again: Demi and Harry (CNCA)
According to a new report, post-Ashton Kutcher actress Demi Moore is in a "trial marriage" with her daughter Rumer Willis’ ex-boyfriend.
Moore, 50, has allowed Hollywood play­boy Harry Morton, 32, to move into her Beverly Hills home. “Demi is crazy about Harry,” reveals an insider.
Me and Mila also have fun, too
“She says that he makes her feel more alive than she has in years [now that Mila Kunis is killing her softly by dating former co-star Kutcher]. She’s convinced this relationship is built to last -- despite Harry’s reputation for loving and leaving women.
“Demi and Harry kept things casual for the first few months, but now she can’t get enough of him and he’s moved in with her.” Source

Mind your own business, WQ! (NYDN)
What's the Lindsay Lohan connection? She dated Harry, too. After making sure jail did not interfere with her Coachella 2013 plans, Lohan's now on her way back to Southern California for drug and alcohol REHAB, assuming the judge doesn't send her up the river for violating her previous agreement to enter a specified treatment center on the East Coast. She brought 270 outfit changes for her 90 day stay. She's not cray-cray! Pushing limits (like finding a place that lets you smoke cigarettes, make calls on your friends' cellies, and play dress up) are what the Luohans are all about. Where's Paris Hilton? Good gawd, Miley Cyrus is f'ugly and desperate for attention, even as her Hillbilly dad seems not so bad after all. Ke$ha's secret: her music makers need a bra. Reese withers without silver spoon in court. O, will those stars never learn?!

(Funny Videos 2013) People are awesome all over the world!

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