Thursday, May 2, 2013

On drugs and lost in the mountains

Ashley Wells and Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
Sherpa guides descend slippery Mt. Everest (Kristoffer Erickson/National Geographic).
Q: Why is L.A. so smoggy? A: So god can't see what we're doing down here! This lost paradise is actually formerly Buddhist Indonesia, Indo, Indra//Lord + nesos, island (Alexis Gravel)
Cendoya and Jack went up a hill (
Nicholas Cendoya, 19, and Kyndall Jack, 18, the two OC youths who worried the country sick when they got "lost" in the woods, were actually on drugs. That explains the hallucinations.

Now Nick has been arrested for felony possession of methamphetamine, which they may have snorted before becoming disoriented, getting separated from one another while "hiking," and almost dying of exposure. (He will be arraigned May 22, 2013).
The two were hallucinating, and a rescuer was hurt. Although most searchers were volunteers, there were "hard" costs such as the use of helicopters.
Los Angeles: San Gabriel foothills and snowy mountains behind (
It cost over $160,000. They may have thought they were snorting coke and admitted such, according to OC Supervisor (and former cop) Todd Spitzer, but a bindle of meth was found in his wallet, according to Air Talk (KPCC FM) and uber PC host Larry Mantle in Los Angeles.

Christopher Nyerges warns that every hiker and driver needs a few things to stay safe. We all have to be responsible since it is our lives. The woods aren't that dangerous: just enter the backyards of homes in the suburbs and see wild bears, cougars, mountain lions, biting deer, skunks, and angry squirrels.

LA is cool. It is currently on fire in two hotspots. Last week a fire above the old foothill town of Monrovia, which is next to Arcadia, led to seven bear sightings in town.
Mt. Everest: Europeans vs. Sherpas
Melting Himalayas: Mt. Everest, possibly the highest peak, unless that distinction actually belongs to Indo-Pakistan's K2 (Ketu) (
Michael Mullins (, April 30, 2013)
God's own soil : Everest range free of snow
A dispute on Mount Everest between three European mountain climbers and a group of [Buddhist] Sherpa tour guides at 24,000 feet turned violent over the weekend, causing a brawl at a base camp.

Traditionally Sherpas, an ethnic group in [mountainous] eastern Nepal, [are hired to] secure ropes for climbers and designate their climbing paths. [Without them it would have been impossible for Westerners to scale Everest, whose real name is Sagarmāthā, or to return to successfully reach the peak on subsequent attempts. They are indispensable guides and saviors on the mountain.]
Ketu (K2), the world's highest peak?
The disagreement occurred when the three seasoned climbers -- one Italian, one Briton, and one Swiss -- apparently ignored instructions from Sherpas, who say the climbers started climbing above them on their own. One of them may have also knocked some ice loose, hitting [and killing] one of the Sherpas, The Atlantic reports.
[But of course] the European climbers dispute this claim, who told local officials that one of the Sherpas rappelled down on top of the Swiss climber, according to The Atlantic. More

VIDEO: (CNN) A fight at 23,000 feet? Climbers blame Sherpas in Mt. Everest attack

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