Saturday, May 24, 2014

News of the Day: Terrorism in Uigyur, China

I. Rony, Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly (NEWS OF THE WORLD)
"Jumble Fever" turquoise silver ring meditation pose (NY Times Style Mag/
Rain clouds loom over Orange County and L.A. just like Scotland, a fitting start to a Memorial Day weekend of Scottish activities: Highland sports, dress up, and "Daddy, do I have to kill Bambi?" practice (ScotsFest 2014/
Yoga exhibit, Asian Art Museum, San Francisco (

Hey, childrens, yer friends at Scientology Incorporated want you not to use drugs. Psychiatrists are bad people. Uh-huh! Have you seen the Museum of Death? Come to Hollywood and have a look. Psychologists, too. They have been in cahoots with the military, CIA (with their acid research) and mass marketers to brainwash, hypnotize, and make us robotic consumers. Speaking of CIA brainwashings... Oh, look at that, Nigeria suddenly "knows where the girls are." No need to exchange ransom now, just go in with heavy military assault and establish martial law, a police state, then set up a dictator more friendly to the West. So long, Goodluck Johnathan. It was nice almost knowing ya. Good thing the posting hashtag campaign didn't, oh no, spoke too soon. Well, we did it. We were fooled again. Did you hear about the "Christian terrorist" and his anti-female rampage in Santa Barbara, partytown, USA?

An image taken from a video made by Boko Haram showing the girls abducted from Chibok - 12 May 2014
Are these the real girls, or is the media still using the fake and debunked video stills?
Nigeria army "knows where girls are" Nigerian military say they know where 200 schoolgirls kidnapped by the "Boko Haram" in April are but admit they cannot risk "going there with force [at least not without CIA support and American troops on the ground or at least the NSA and NATO]."
China media: Xinjiang attack
Security has been tightened in Xinjiang after Thursday's attack
Police state "security" has been tightened in Xinjiang after Thursday's attack (
Papers call for "unity" in China's "fight against terrorism" after the latest violent attack in Xinjiang. 
Attackers in the restive region, which is home to the China's Muslim Uighur minority, crashed two cars into shoppers at a market on Thursday, killing 31 people.
China's Ministry of Public Security has called it a "violent terrorist incident."
State-run papers, including People's Daily and the Liberation Army Daily, have condemned the attack in their front-page commentaries.
"The terrorists have carefully chosen the timing to harm the innocence to instil fear, gain attention and to pressurise the party and the government. However, the increased number of such attacks shows the terrorists are reaching their end," says an article in the People's Daily.
The Xinjiang Daily calls for unity in the autonomous region to "fight the terrorists with determination" and "maintain social stability and harmony." More

Strong earthquake of 6.4 magnitude hits Mexico
(May 8, 2014) An earthquake of 6.4 magnitude has shaken parts of Mexico, causing buildings to sway in the capital. The US Geological Survey said it was centered...
Relics Tour, Free Public Exhibition, Grass Valley, California (

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