Sunday, May 18, 2014

Vesak celebration, NoHo (May 28, 2014)

Wisdom Quarterly; Abbot Ven. Sirinwasa, Sarathchandra Buddhist Center, No. Hollywood
The Sri Lankan Theravada center has ongoing meditation and Dharma classes
Sunday, May 18: Vesak 2558 (2014), 10717 Oxnard Street, North Hollywood 91606
For a Vesak celebration in every state in the USA this month, track down the nearest Thai (Yellow Pages), Sri Lankan (Sinhalese), Burmese (worldwide), Laotian, Cambodian (Khmer), Vietnamese, Indonesian, or American Theravada Buddhist Center (such as IMS or Spirit Rock or other Insight Meditation centers). There are now countless Buddhist Websites and centers (Wiki) to be found using or Facebook.

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