Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What child molesters look like (photos)

Ashley Wells, Amber Larson, Seven, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; Huffington Post; RAINN
Jackson family child rapists and sex abusers (Perquimans County Sheriff's Office)

Not a "victim," Grace McDonnell
The sheriff of a small American county in northeast North Carolina says he is "disgusted." Why?

He is disgusted by the parents of six men who are accused of sexually abusing their sister for nearly a decade, at a private family compound.
"I blame the parents for this," Perquimans County Sheriff Eric Tilley told The Huffington Post on Tuesday.

Prison guard/sexual predators arrested
"It's your responsibility as a parent to teach [your children] right and wrong. When you see a child doing something that is totally wrong and you don't correct them, then the child thinks it's okay."
  • [Are they Christians? Not "good Christians," of course. But, yes, they are all Christians, patriarchal Protestants. FEMEN says no to patriarchy.
"Silent all these years" (
Tilley said his deputies charged the six brothers, ranging in age from 19 to 27, on May 6 [2014], with a number of crimes related to the alleged sexual abuse of their 16-year-old sister [which means she is still a child].

The sheriff said the alleged abuse began when the girl was 4 years old and continued [for a decade] until she was almost 15.
Authorities have identified the brothers as Aaron Jackson, 19, Benjamin Jackson, also 19, Nathaniel Jackson, 21, Mathew Jackson, 23, Jon Jackson, 25, and Eric Jackson, 27.
I raped Justin Bieber. He was asking for it?
Charges against the brothers range from rape to sexual assault, according to Tilley.
The men's parents -- John Jackson, 65 and Nita Jackson, 54 -- face charges of felony child abuse.
"Part of the investigation revealed that, at one point, the mother observed some of this activity and never did anything about it," Tilley said of the charges against the parents. More

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