Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Big Irish Fair Music Fest (June 14-15)

Pat Macpherson, Seven, Wisdom Quarterly;
Irishman Che Guevara Lynch
The seashore town of Long Beach in Los Angeles' famous harbor is the location for this year's Southern California cultural celebration known as Irish Fair, like the earlier one held at the Pomona Fairplex. There may be more people with Irish ancestors in greater L.A. than in Belfast or Dublin because there are 100,000,000 in the worldwide diaspora.
The many activities help us remember we did not grow up with, like listening to traditional music, Irish food and drink, and many other engaging aspects of Irish culture. Can Irish Americans play the Irish bodhran, commune with the Fay (faeries), dance like the island youth, or shop for Irish crafts? They can now.

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