Monday, July 6, 2015

Dalai Lama talks peace in Orange County

Deepa Bharath (, July 5/6, 2015) edited by Wisdom Quarterly
The Dalai lama rings in his 80th year with leaders, Nobel laureates, celebrity guests, and performers at the Honda Center Sunday, July 5, 2015 (Mindy Schauer/

HH the Dalai Lama speaks to a filled Honda Center as he celebrates his 80th birthday as a part of the Global Compassion Summit (Mark Rightmire/

HH the Dalai Lama speaks on jumbo monitors to a filled Honda Center as he celebrates his 80th birthday in Buddhist Southern California (Mark Rightmire/
The Dalai Lama talks peace in O.C. - it's not so easy to achieve
The Dalai Lama's Instructions for Life (pinterest)
Fellow Nobel laureates and a parade of celebrities helped kick off a three-day celebration to mark the 80th birthday celebration of the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, on Sunday at the Honda Center.
Addressing about 18,000 people in the packed stadium, amid calls of “We love you, Dalai Lama,” the exiled Tibetan leader sent out a ringing message of optimism, saying he hopes to see a more peaceful world in his lifetime.
But, he added, achieving world peace is not easy.
“I’ve had challenges throughout my life,” the monk said. “But the one thing I learned, through everything, is to remain truthful and determined.”
Ann Curry (Mindy Schauer)
Former “Today” show host Ann Curry was the master of ceremonies.
The nearly three-hour event featured a parade of celebrities including comedian George Lopez, rapper MC Hammer, and television actors Josh Radnor and Wilmer Valderrama.
Shirin Ebadi, the 2003 Nobel laureate, lawyer, and human rights activist from Iran, said she learned from the Dalai Lama to fight for her rights without anger or hatred.
“Whenever I get tired and lose hope, I remember how you have fought for 60 years for the people of Tibet without getting tired or losing hope,” she said.

Will this be the last Dalai Lama: Will Tibetan Buddhists pick another child or let China? (AJ)
The 14th Dalai Lama, former temporal ruler and current spiritual head of Tibet with its government-in-exile in Dharamsala, India, has his own website:
Jody Williams, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work to ban landmines, said the Dalai Lama has inspired millions with his message of kindness and nonviolence.
“He always says he is just a simple Buddhist monk,” she said. “But he is the most rocking, compassionate simple Buddhist monk I know.”
During the program, the Dalai Lama seemed his usual cheerful self. He touched foreheads with several guests including young children who sang and danced for him -- a gesture of endearing closeness in Tibetan tradition.
Road to Peace for Tibet devoured by China is an extraordinary film (
As thousands sang the birthday song, he blew out a candle on an 8-foot golden birthday cake crafted by instructors and students at The Art Institute of California in Santa Ana.
For his birthday, the Dalai Lama did not ask for any “physical gifts,” said Lama Tenzin Dhonden, founder of the Friends of the Dalai Lama.
“If we can help to create a more compassionate, kind planet, that would be the most beautiful gift of all,” he said, breaking down in tears during his tribute.
But it was not all love and accolades for the Dalai Lama.

Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait welcomes the Dalai Lama after being presented a white scarf at the Honda Center, Orange County, Sunday as the Buddhist leader celebrates his 80th birthday, Global Compassion Summit (Mark Rightmire/OC Register) VIEW SLIDESHOW
Shugden Dorje protests the Dalai Lama with around the world (Starcadet/
"Dalai Lama, stop lying" (
About 300 Shugden Buddhist protesters stood in the parking lot shouting and holding signs saying “False Dalai Lama, stop lying.”
The group says the Dalai Lama denounced a deity revered by the group, causing rifts between families and ostracizing Shugden followers from the mainstream Tibetan community.
“He’s not practicing what he is preaching,” said Angie Kane, a spokeswoman. “What we want is to be able to practice our religion freely.”
The Tibetan Association of Southern California issued a statement saying it does not support what it called the protesters’ “defamatory” claims.
"Look, China, I'm a demon."
The Dalai Lama also continues to be accused by the Chinese government of trying to split Tibet from the rest of China. During his speech, the Dalai Lama said a Chinese official once called him “a demon.”

“So I said, ‘Yes, I’m a demon,’” he said, laughing, making a gesture of horns over his head, as guests and the audience burst out laughing.
He told the large gathering that he deals with criticism in a calm manner.
Though the Dalai Lama in 2011 delegated his political responsibilities to a prime minister elected by Tibetan exiles, he still remains the leader of the 6 million Tibetans worldwide.
Eckhart Tolle and the Dalai Lama (flickr)
“He’s the heart and soul of Tibetans all over the world,” said Tsering Youdon, a Bay Area resident who grew up in Little Lhasa, India.
“We lost Tibet, but we still have his teachings,” she said. “That gives us a lot of peace and comfort.” More

Shugden Dorje protesters protest outside Honda Center (Mark Rightmire/

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