Thursday, January 5, 2017

"DMT: The Spirit Molecule" (video)

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly; DMT: The Spirit Molecule (Enigmas of the Universe)

Dude, know what I just realized?
The Spirit Molecule investigates the miraculous chemical dimethyltryptamine (DMT), an endogenous (occurring naturally in the body) psychoactive compound, which exists in humans and numerous species of plants and animals.
This documentary traces Dr. Rick Strassman's government-sanctioned, human DMT research and its many trials, tribulations, and inconceivable realizations.

Alex Grey: Science and Spirituality
A closer examination of DMT's effects through the lens of two traditionally opposed concepts, science and spirituality, The Spirit Molecule explores the connections between cutting edge neuroscience, quantum physics, and human spirituality. 

Dr. Strassman's research and the experiences of the human test subjects before, during, and after the intense clinical trials raises many intriguing questions.

Dennis McKenna: Consciousness, the Universe, DMT
A variety of experts voice their unique experiences with and thoughts on DMT within their respective fields.

As Dr. Strassman's story unfolds, the contributors weigh in on his remarkable theories, including the synthesis of DMT in our brain's pineal gland, and its link to near-death experiences.

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