Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Buddhist Xmas+Cinco de Mayo PARTY (May 3)

Ananda M. (Dharma Meditaiton Initiative), Dhr. Seven, Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly

It's Buddhist Xmas x 3! It's a massive holiday throughout the Buddhist world simply called VESAK (April 29, 2018).

Vesak is the name of an ancient Indian month (April-May) when the auspicious full moon marked the birth of Prince Siddhartha.

It was also under the full moon of this month that saw the great enlightenment (maha bodhi).
Reclining into nirvana (parinirvana, Burma)
It was also the night of the Buddha's great final reclining into final nirvana without remainder or parinirvana.

It's also this year Cinco de Mayo (May 5th), the famous American holiday we think celebrates Mexican Independence Day, when it actually celebrates a battle that beat and threw out the Colonial French. 

So it's time to party with a vegan potluck at the Dharma Meditation Initiative. The cold kombucha will be flowing.

And a visit by the American nun Sayalay Aloka (shown below) will center around the theme of the (allegorical) Buddha's life, how and why he gained enlightenment, and how we can, too.

Prince Siddhartha sat under the bodhi tree to overcome Mara (Death) and awaken!
Sayalay Aloka Nyani, American Buddhist nun
GUEST: Sayalay Aloka -- who was born and raised in Virginia, ordained and trained in Asia, a former student of Goenka-style insight meditation called vipassana.

She now resides at the Thabarwa Nature Center in Pasadena-adjacent Arcadia.

She visits D.M.I. to answer questions on Buddhist practices, easy meditation, as well as "life, the universe, and everything." There will be answers to everything you ever wanted to know.

Kombucha, tacos, salad, chips
And we'll feast on delicious vegan Cinco de Mayo and Asian Buddhist vegetarian foods by potluck, in the Native American potlatch tradition.

Lots of guacamole, salsa, corn chips, dips, tacos, and spice with noodles, veggies, savories, and sweets. Bring ice, bring cups, bring your favorite dish, even if you pick it up at Whole Foods or Trader Joe's, both located nearby on Arroyo Seco Parkway (110 Fwy).
  • Dharma Meditation Initiative
  • FREE, Thursday, May 3, 6:30-8:30 PM
  • Sequoyah School Rm. 23 @ Neighborhood Church
  • 301 N. Orange Grove Bl., Pasadena 91103

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