Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Land Where WOMEN Rule (video)

Broadly; CC Liu, Crystal Quintero, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Land Where Women Rule: Inside China's Last Matriarchy
China's one-child policy led to millions of female infanticides -- except in a lush valley known as the “Land Where Women Rule.” Located in the foothills of the Himalayas, where Tibetan Buddhism is practiced, Lugu Lake is home to China’s Mosuo matriarchy. The region's 40,000 denizens have come up with a unique family structure that puts women in charge. The Mosuo's “walking marriages” -- in which women can have as many boyfriends as they want throughout their lifetime -- replace traditional monogamy and inheritance passes from mother to daughter. But are the women really in control and, if so, how are men fairing under their rule? Broadly correspondent Milène Larsson spends a week in Lugu Lake with three generations of Mosuo women to find out what life is like in one of the world’s last matriarchies.

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