Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Free Vegan Thanksgiving POTLUCK (L.A.)

Ananda M. (Dharma Meditation Initiative), Dhr. Seven, Jen B., Crystal Quintero (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; Tom and Dave (Roaming Vegans on; UPDATES:

Turkeys pardoned and freed by White House, sent to live out its years on a no-kill farm.
Los Angeles "celebrity vegan" Alicia Silverstone with her vegan son (

Fun group activity: the "Human Tunnel of Love" (Wisdom Quarterly/Roaming Vegans)
Go vegan for Planet Earth and animals!
Hundreds attend every year, rain or shine. Non-vegans are welcome and encouraged to attend. This is Los Angeles's LONGEST RUNNING SINGLE-DAY VEGAN TRADITION.

This giant vegan potluck has been an annual tradition for 25 years with hundreds attending each year.

Come share delicious pure vegan food (free of all animal products). Connect with beautiful people. Enjoy a social outdoor environment with music, live performances, and an open mic. Bring drums, musical instruments, frisbees, balls, hoops, whatever. Children welcome as well as well-behaved dogs on leashes.

Crowd last year at Rancho Park enjoying Thanksgiving foods, desserts (Roaming Vegans)
Free the White House turkeys! (Getty)
Although there is no fee to attend, to participate everyone brings a purely VEGAN dish, bought or prepared at home. Park rules: No alcohol.
  • For EACH person attending, bring a vegan (no animal/insect products of any kind -- no honey, dairy butter, white sugar which has bone ash, etc.) ready-to-serve dish to share with at least 8-10 people. For example, if there are two people in your party, bring 16-20 servings to share with others.
"Vegan" is the kind diet to save our planet.
Vegan means no meat, fish, eggs, dairy, or honey -- no animal products or ingredients of any kind.

Organic, gluten-free, chemical-free, GMO-free foods are encouraged. Cooked and raw vegan foods are welcome.

There is a special space designated for 100% raw food. Raw means free of all pasteurized foods, commercially canned, and most jarred foods).

Please bring a written INGREDIENT LIST alongside each dish to help those with allergies and food sensitivities.

Earth does not belong to us. We belong to it.
To PREVENT PAPER & PLASTIC WASTE, please bring your own reusable plates, bowls, cups, eating and serving utensils.

We start gathering at 11:00 AM on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 22, 2018. We hold a beautiful opening circle at 12:00 noon. Then we begin to feast!


Enter Cheviot Hills Park (a.k.a. Rancho Park) north entrance on Motor Avenue (the first entrance south of Pico Blvd.) When you enter the park, drive past parking area on the left. Instead, follow the road to the next parking area a few hundred feet further. Walk to the picnic tables across the grass next to the baseball field.

"VEG" signs are posted to point the way. (Avoid the other picnic area at the far end close to the parking lot).
Dharma Meditation Initiative - Nature Center - PasaDharma - UCLA (MARC)

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