Monday, November 5, 2018

In support of Tree of Life Synagogue

Trudy Goodman (; Sheldon S., Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

All at want to share our deep sadness for the tragic events that occurred at the Tree of Life Synagogue and the shooting Friday at a yoga studio in Tallahassee, Florida.

Places of worship, sharing, community, or anywhere we can simply sit quietly are sacred spaces. They are infinitely worthy of safety for all.

The Buddhist teachings that InsightLA is founded on are strongly rooted in the principles of non-violence and non-harming. It is these principles that we wish to communicate with every act, word, and thought/will of compassion.

At InsightLA we know that when people share in practice, they are meeting us in a place beyond words, through connection of the heart.

When something tragic befalls a member of the community, it ripples throughout us all. We send metta [loving kindness] to the community of the Tree of Life Synagogue and to the people of Pittsburgh. Know that InsightLA is here for you.
Fairness (
InsightLA resonates with the larger community of Jewish people around the world and with all beings who have suffered unbearable loss. May we all find a safe and reliable refuge [sarana, guidance] in our places of practice and prayer.

We send wishes for healing, and our hearts meet in the place beyond words. More + VIDEO
  • Pres. Obama singing “Amazing Grace” at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston after the tragic shooting there:
Please remember to vote with your heart on Tuesday!

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