Friday, November 23, 2018

Judge: Female genital mutilation legal in US?

Associated Press (; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly; Activists,
Don't mutilate me: "I'm not a vagina!" (sign photographed at
Ruling in female genital mutilation case shocks women's advocates
MINNEAPOLIS, USA - Women's rights advocates said they were shocked when a federal judge in Michigan ruled this week that a law protecting girls from female genital mutilation (FGM/C) was unconstitutional.

They called his decision a serious blow to girls' rights. Legal experts said the judge made clear that U.S. states have authority to ban the practice, though only about half do.
  • [Meanwhile, male genital mutilation, which removes the most sensitive part of the male body, is glorified under the label "medical procedure," "circumcision," barbaric Jewish religious practice, and "cosmetic improvement," even though the ancient Greeks, whose beauty was made famous in classic Western sculpture, did no such thing to their males. Make the practice illegal!]

Here is a look at the ruling, which dismissed several charges against a doctor accused of cutting nine girls in three states as part of a religious custom, and what could happen next.


Naked protest in public: egg plop red paint vaginal art, Milo Moire (
What the!?!
Dr. Jumana Nagarwala was among eight people charged in federal court in Michigan in connection with the genital mutilation of nine girls from Michigan, Minnesota, and Illinois between 2015 and 2017.

Authorities alleged that mothers brought their girls to Dr. Nagarwala when they were roughly 7 years old for the procedure.

Dr. Nagarwala has denied any crime was committed and said she performed a religious custom on girls from her Muslim sect, the India-based Dawoodi Bohra.

They don't need no cl*ts! Just ask Squee!
On Tuesday (Nov. 20, 2018), [male] U.S. District Judge Bernard A. Friedman threw out mutilation and conspiracy charges against all the defendants.

He ruled that a 1996 federal law that bans female genital mutilation was unconstitutional because Congress didn't have the power to regulate the behavior in the first place. More

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