Friday, November 16, 2018

Pāli grammar at the Pariyatti bookstore

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The diamond seat (or Vajrashila) at the Mahabodhi Temple complex in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India. The seat,
believed to be placed by Emperor Ashoka, marks the place under the Bodhi tree where the Buddha
reached enlightenment. Bodhgaya is part of the itinerary of the Along The Path pilgrimage.

STAFF PICK with 20% Discount

Kaccāyana Pāli Grammar I & II
Pursuing it’s mission to bring people into contact with the teachings of the Buddha, Pariyatti provides resources in a variety of media formats in the Theravāda tradition and on Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka. Pariyatti also supports Pāli language students in different ways.
Besides facilitating several residential workshops each year (at our main workshop venue in California as well as at other locations around the world) and hosting an online Learning Center on our website, we offer an array of Pāli study books and dual language titles/dictionaries.
For the next two weeks we are offering a 20% discount on Kaccayana Pāli Grammar I & II, two study books that will set you up to grasp this classical and liturgical language profoundly.

Volume I contains the complete ancient grammatical text of the Pāli language that has been used as a handbook for Pāli studies for centuries. It is in a format accessible to contemporary readers, using Roman and Devanagari scripts for the main text. Volume II contains the eight chapters found in the original Pāli text complemented by an introduction, footnotes and appendices, as well as explanation of brief grammatical rules, Pāli prefixes and the system of how verbs are formed. 
These Pariyatti Press titles are quality prints, with ergonomic page size and easy-to-read font, and a sturdy spine.
Read More and Order

Residential Pāli workshops
Since our Pāli workshop program started in 2012, we have served a total of 300 students in 20 workshops held in the USA, Mexico, Chile, Israel and Spain. Pariyatti’s Pāli workshops are open for old students of S.N. Goenka, who practice Vipassana meditation regularly. 
The daily schedule of activities is similar to that of a 10-day Vipassana course with the three daily group sittings and morning chantings included. However, there will be both study and meditation periods throughout the day.
The expenses are met by donations from past students and the Pāli Workshop Fund.

Goenkaji emphasized that Pāli workshops are very beneficial as they help meditators develop inspiration and understanding of the theoretical aspect of Dhamma (Dharma), which corresponds with the feedback we have received from participants over the years.
Upcoming Pāli workshop dates 

By Klaus Nothnagel (California, USA)
Introductory: March 14 to 27, 2019
By Adriana Patiño (Malaysia)
Introductory:  March 23 to 31, 2019
By Sean Salkin (California, USA)
Introductory:  September 21 to Oct 1, 2019
Intermediate:  October 1 to 5, 2019
Learn More and Apply

Bilingual Pilgrimage India & Nepal
Bilinguale Pilgerreise Indien & Nepal

We have added new dates to our pilgrimage schedule. A bilingual Along the Path pilgrimage (in English and German) will take place in India & Nepal from October 31 to November 21, 2019. Applications will open on December 1, 2018.
Wir haben neue Termine in unserem Pilgerreisenkalender. Vom 31. Oktober bis zum 21. November 2019 findet erstmals eine zweisprachige Pilgerreise "Den Pfad entlang" nach Indien & Nepal statt (auf Englisch und Deutsch). Anmeldungen sind möglich ab dem 1. Dezember 2018.
Included in the itinerary are the birthplace of the bodhisatta (Lumbinī), the place where the Buddha attained Enlightenment (Bodhgayā), the place where he first taught the way to Enlightenment (Sarnath), and the place where he attained parinibbāna (Kushinagar).
Auf der Reiseroute liegen die Geburtsstätte des Bodhisatta (Lumbinī), der Ort, an dem der Buddha Erleuchtung erlangte (Bodhgayā), wo er zum ersten Mal den Weg zur Erleuchtung gelehrt hatte (Sarnath), und der Ort, an dem er in's Parinibbāna (Kushinagar) eingegangen war.
The Maha Devi Temple, Lumbini, Nepal marks the place where the Bodhisatta was born.
"The highlights, for me, were the group sittings at the various sites and the several one-day courses at Indian Vipassana centers. These helped us bond as meditators, and anchored the pilgrimage in its proper mission."
"Die Höhepunkte für mich waren die Gruppensitzungen an den verschiedenen Orten und die zahlreichen Ein-Tages-Kurse in indischen Vipassana-Zentren. Diese halfen uns dabei, uns als Meditierende zu binden und stärkten die Pilgerfahrt in ihren wesentlichen Aspekten."​
Other pilgrimage dates 
The Golden Path – Burma
金色之旅 –缅甸朝圣
(English/Chinese Bilingual - 中英文双语)
February 9 to February 26, 2019 (
applications open)
2019年2月9 - 26日 (applications open)
Along the Path - (North India & Nepal)
February 28 to March 21, 2019 (applications open)
Learn more / Apply for one of these inspirational journeys

More than a Bookstore
The summer of 2018 has proved to be anicca in Onalaska, Washington. The veggie patches have been cleared and the fog has rolled in to show us that autumn has truly arrived.
It’s the perfect weather to nestle on one of our comfortable couches and dive into the many Dhamma books we have on offer. Don’t forget to pay us a visit when driving home from a course at Dhamma Kuñja, or traveling between Seattle and Portland, Oregon! 
Store hours:
8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday - Friday
7:30 to 11.30 am on days (usually
Sundays) courses end at Dhamma Kuñja.
Every Tuesday Pariyatti hosts a group sitting from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm,
followed by a potluck dinner. Old students more than welcome!
867 Larmon Rd. Onalaska, WA 98570, USA

Do you think your friends might be interested in the services of Pariyatti? Invite them to subscribe to this newsletter!

Donations:  Either one-time or monthly pledge 
Pariyatti is a charitable, non-profit, educational support system for the Dhamma community. Pariyatti exists because of funds donated by supporters.
FACT: Did you know Pariyatti offers an audio/video library with more than 100 audio and video podcasts of S.N. Goenka's meditation Now Tour, Q&A sessions, talks by Paul Fleischman, documentaries and more? 
Please donate now
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Daily Words
Dhamma Verses
Jīvana meṅ āte raheṅ,
patajhaḍa aura basanta.
Cita vicalita hove nahīṅ,
maṅgala jage ananta. 
In life there keep coming
autumns and springs.
If the mind does not waver,
you enjoy infinite happiness. 
–S.N. Goenka

Pāli nibbhaya —  free from fear or danger, fearless, unafraid. Free guide to Pāli pronunciation & grammar. To listen to the pronunciation in audio, download the PDF to your computer by loading it in your web browser and clicking the download arrow right at the top. Open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader (with Flash Player).

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