Friday, November 2, 2018

Refuge Recovery after Noah Levine (update)

Int'l Sangha Bulletin, Nov. 2, 2018; Seth Auberon, Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly
The controversy around Noah Levine has put great strain on the [Against the Stream] community. We hear regularly, directly, and via social media that there is hope that the Board is taking action to support the name and the groups around the world.

Simply hearing that “the Board is aware” and “the Board is working on it” have likely led to more confusion and frustration than hope. We feel a need to say more about where we are in the process.

We have been in discussions with Noah Levine for the past year about the use and ownership of the Refuge Recovery name and literature, as well as Levine’s role within the organization going forward. 

These discussions began months before the allegations against him surfaced. We need to protect the movement from being tied too closely to him or to any one individual or group. One of our goals has been to clearly delineate the separation between the non-profit organization that serves the Refuge Recovery community and his for-profit businesses.

Another goal is to secure our rights to the literature. Of course, these efforts have been delayed and further complicated by the allegations against him and their fallout.

We are now actively working with attorneys to pursue a resolution that we hope will allow our community to thrive. Despite our desire to be transparent, we are following the advice of our legal counsel and cannot share the details of this process at this time.

We intend to provide more frequent updates as we move forward, and we continue to be honored to be able to support this profoundly important movement.
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