Thursday, August 15, 2019

Epstein autopsy results: strangled neck; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Jeffrey Epstein's autopsy reveals multiple broken neck bones: report
I love kids, I just love 'em.
An autopsy performed on accused [and previously convicted] pedophile Jeffrey Epstein showed that he "sustained multiple breaks in his neck bones," the Washington Post reported Wednesday evening.

According to people familiar with the autopsy report, one of the bones [red herring, a "fake news" detail according to Dr. Drew (8/15/19)] that were broken in Epstein's neck is known as the "hyoid bone," which is located near the Adam's apple on a man, the Post reported.

They strangled me! I'm a previous convict.
Such injuries can be associated with hanging suicides -- especially in older individuals. However, forensics experts say that type of injury is far more common for victims who have been strangled.

News of the autopsy results adds to the deepening mystery surrounding the multi-millionaire's [previously billionaire's] death in a jail that had not seen a suicide in the previous 21 years.

Epstein, 66, was discovered in his cell early Saturday morning after guards reportedly found him hanging in his cell in the special housing unit at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan.

We partied with Jeff, me and this Billy goat!
He was arrested July 6th on federal charges for operating a sex trafficking ring from 2002 to 2005 in his mansion in New York as well as his estate in Palm Beach, Florida, where he had allegedly paid girls as young as 14 for sex.

He had to be killed to keep him quiet about...
Epstein plead not guilty to the new charges against him, similar to those he was previously convicted of in a sweetheart deal that let him off the hook (the fallout of which led to the exiting of a senior Trump administration official, then district attorney).

New York City's chief medical examiner Barbara Sampson listed Epstein's death as "pending" after completing the autopsy on Sunday.

When asked about the neck injuries by the Post, Sampson said in a statement to the paper that no single factor in an autopsy alone can provide an answer about what happened. More

British royalty Prince Andrew with sexy child. Note his hand. Just friends?

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