Wednesday, November 27, 2019

No Safe Spaces: losing our rights to save them

NO SAFE SPACES trailer starring right wing comedian Adam Carolla and extreme right wing Jewish Christian capitalist conservative Patriarch Dennis Prager.

Hillary would have been worse.
The right wing is laughing at us, saying we're the ones against freedom of expression, freedom of thought and action. Q: Who is filling in the ranks of policing agencies?

A: Right wingers, patriarchs, extreme sexists, rapists, racists, people on power trips. But the Left has much to answer for in trying to curtail speech and acting like the Thought Police. Who's calling for "safe spaces" and complaining excessively about "micro aggressions" as if stopping expression would ever stop the motives behind those expressions?

DISCUSSION: Adams Corolla swings to the hard right.
He had always actually been a right winger like his buddy Jimmy Kimmel.*

They're takin away our right to be sexist-racists.
Who works at Google, Apple, Facebook, and other left-leaning spy agencies? That would nominal liberals. We must be wary of an increasingly active and reactionary "cancel culture" and giving lip service to the issues we claim to care so much about.

We can't call for losing our right to save them or having others lose freedoms as we try to win freedom from oppression: capitalist, religious, political, and social. Beware the overreach. Beware we don't become the Orwellian nightmare we always feared. Vote/agitate for real change not whitewash.
  • *(Right-wing National Review Institute) Night Owl No Safe Spaces Discussion: The 2019 Ideas Summit, May 6, 2019. NRI's "Night owl" conversation with Adam Carolla and David French discussing free speech on college campuses and previewing the film "No Safe Spaces." Hosted at NRI's 2019 "Ideas" Summit: The Case for the American Experiment, which took place March 28-29, 2019 at the Mandarin Oriental in Washington, D.C.

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