Thursday, February 13, 2020

Disclosure Fest events: Valentine's Day; Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Crystal Q. (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

DisclosureFest™ Foundation is excited and delighted to bring the Starseed Initiative to Crete Academy. Crete Academy is a kindergarten through sixth-grade school that caters to a large community of poverty-stricken and house-less (home-free) children in the Los Angles area. The heart and vision behind The Starseed Initiative is to bring mindful, conscious wisdom and activities to our children's schools and youth programs locally.

These events offer a curriculum filled with yoga, plant-based foods, expression through play and movement, qi gong, dance, conscious art, using recyclables, and much more. We feel bringing these types of activities into local schools will expand the scope of mindfulness at a young age and help children navigate these challenging times. Let's facilitate the conscious growth of our people and planet.
  • Valentine's Day @CreteAcademy Friday 2/14/20
  • What: The Star Seed Initiative @ Crete Academy
  • Where: Crete Academy, Los Angeles, CA 90043
  • When: FRIDAY 02/14/2020 11:00 AM-5:00 PM
Workshop facilitators for this amazing event able to offer a pre-K to6th grade appropriate music, yoga, art, crafts, play, movement, sports, or activism workshop, email

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