Thursday, March 26, 2020

St. Corona: Patron Saint of Epidemics (video), March 25, 2020 (updated 3/26/20);; KRQE News 13, 3/22/20; Crass; and Wiki edited by Pfc. Sandoval, Crystal Quintero, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Local artists are looking to the ancient St. Corona, a 16-year-old martyr, for help after the Coronavirus outbreak stalls their business.

The Internet is abuzz because the Holy Roman Catholic Church, with its CEO in the Vatican Corporation offices, has just unearthed a long forgotten female saint, St. Corona.

The buzz is that she was the "patron saint of epidemics," as reported last night by dimwitted Government Operative George Noory on this country's largest radio station (, 3/25/20). She, along with Saint Victor, was originally the patron saint of treasure hunting and money.
Saints Victor and Corona
But about 1000 AD, Otto III brought St. Corona's relics to Aachen in western Germany. Though evidence is scarce that she was invoked against epidemics, Reuters reports that indeed she is "patron saint of epidemics" (

Moreover, according to Reuters, her relics will be available for public veneration "once the coronavirus pandemic has passed."

(Pray Unceasingly) Prayer to Saint Corona for protection against plague

w/ Eve Libertine) "Reality Asylum" unprayer. WARNING: not suitable
for Christian ears because it condemns sexist, war-loving religion via its icon.

St. Corona
Victor and Corona's memorial day is November 24 (Nov. 11 on the Greek Orthodox Church calendar). Their feast day is May 14 [about the time this pandemic should have faded away].

In northern Italy, outside the town of Feltre, on the slopes of Mt. Miesna, there is a Church of Saints Vittore e Corona (, erected by the murderous European Crusaders from Feltre after the First Christian/Catholic Crusade that set out to kill infidel foreigners.

St. Corona is venerated in Austria and eastern Bavaria, where she is invoked in connection with superstitions involving money, such as gambling and treasure hunting ("German cathedral dusts off relics of St. Corona, patron of epidemics,", March 25, 2020). More

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