Thursday, February 18, 2021

80% of vaccinated get sick? Bill Gates (Joe Rogan)

What did Bill Gates say about Covid vaccine side effects?
(PowerfulJRE, 12/3/20) This clip is taken from the Joe Rogan Experience #1573 with kiss up apologist Matthew Yglesias. What is a side effect but a sickness of some kind -- sudden death, fever, anaphylactic shock, blood clots, re-infection, arm soreness...and coming down with Covid anyway after a second shot because this genetic modification shot causes human cells to make poison in an attempt to combat virus.
Feeling sick afterwards? Too bad.
So it turns human subjects, the people being shot up in the arm, into GMOs ("genetically modified organisms"). And it does not prevent infection nor is it intended to nor do the obscenely rich Big Pharma manufacturers claim that it is meant to, yet that's all the mainstream misinformation media talks about.

What's this infected needle in my arm?
Then there are the "variants," as if a virus, any virus, were alive and planning to harm anyone. No virus is alive, and we are all full of viruses (snippets of genetic code) in our virome and we're fine because we have immune systems that daily deal with all kinds of things except perhaps fear and hysteria and being prodded into obedience in the name of "public health."

Even Rogan fears saying he won't take an unapproved experimental vaccine or test, which is what these things are. There have been no FDA approvals only emergency approvals with no guarantees that this is anything but an experiments. And guess who the test subject is?
*Covid infections in England fall by two-thirds but spreading fastest among young [who were previously the least affected, so it's a math reporting anomaly more than an actual news fact to worry about]: Experts urge care over opening schools as children aged 5-12 now in one of most common groups for virus[es] More

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