Monday, February 15, 2021

Can young GIRLS rock? (video)

Denmark's Got Talent; Ananda, Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly

No, of course girls can't rock. They're too frail and delicate. Well, we stand corrected. Johanne can. And Jasmine jams. But female guitarists? Come on. Except for the ones on YouTube and LA's KLOS FM ( But, of course, there are the Iron Maidens, who do covers of Iron Maiden songs. It seems the only thing girls can't do nowadays is play bass or keyboards. Well, apparently they can play those, too. But tambourine, that's where the line is drawn. I mean, can you imagine a girl with a tambourine? What is this, Woodstock?

Of all the ladies who rock, this one still seems to be the best. *Wink*
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