Saturday, February 27, 2021

Comedy News: Gay Mr. Potato Head? (video)

Jimmy Kimmel Live (ABC, 2/26/21); War Campaign (commentary); Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

Nonbinary Potato Head, Trump's taxes, Marjorie Taylor Greene, testing vax on monkeys
(Jimmy Kimmel Live, Feb. 25, 2021) Kimmel apologizes for setting off Alexa in American homes after telling a story about junky Bisquick pancakes, and since he has this newfound power, encourages everyone to try out an idea he has to sell his children's book.

How do we inject money into Big Pharma?
He also talks about the magic disappearance of the common flu this year. (Might common flu cases be labelled "Covid-19" to boost pandemic numbers and profits? You decide).

Back to the SCARY VAX NEWS: There are new mutations of the novel coronavirus (because all "variants" are novel by definition), and they're spreading around the world, butt China is developing an anal test, and to stem the aerosol spread, a school band in Washington is practicing in individual tents, and attention...

I don't want to be killed in vaccine experiments.
ANTI-VIVISECTIONISTS: There's an alarming "shortage" of monkeys used for testing toxic corona vaccines being researched and developed by Big Pharma for obscene profits that make investor Bill Gates even richer while trimming the world population.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is continuing her campaign as frontrunner for worst human of 2021 by working to defeat the “Equality Act” and chastising Democrats on the floor for being mean to Republicans who, she claims, never supported the Capitol Riot/Insurrection.

Ex-Pres. McDonald Trump’s tax returns were officially handed over to the Manhattan district attorney, the city's top prosecutor.

Mr. Potato Head goes non-binary?
It's not a lifestyle move. It's for popularity.
Gay Mr./Ms. Potato Head?
 No, he's intersex! In a major announcement from Hasbro toy corporation about "Mr. Potato Head," the "mister" is being axed from their name. S/he is going non-binary or coming out as intersex or LGBTQIA+ ("lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual, plus").

Is Mr. Potato Head GAY? Potato Head's family goes gender neutral and it feels great!
(War Campaign, 2/26/21) Time for the spud to hit the Monsanto soup in the fryer and come out a perfectly formed potatosexual. That's right, friends, Mr. Potato Head can be anything he wants to be, which is absolutely PC and wonderful.

I'm not gay. This is an ad campaign. I'm a toy!
Ya gotta be able to get down and dirty and express yourself from the inside to the outside of your spud hole. It's new branding for 2021 with a gender neutral Potato Family, where anything is possible. Imagination is the only limit. Hey, why not? Just stick the Potato Head right up... the alley? They're saying it's "SJW WOKE 2021," so War Campaign may not be as glad as they sound. But let's not judge. Everyone has a place around here and gets a voice.

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