Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Special Report: Is Tiger Woods dead? (video)

Black Thai Buddhist Tiger Woods, golf legend, has gotten into another car accident. And this one's bad. Will he make a comeback or succumb to his injuries and join his father in the afterlife? To hear the sports channels doing retrospectives on his life, one would think he were already dead . He seems to be okay, his publicist says. Some speculate the accident never happened due to the size of the story and some inconsistencies in early reporting. The world is watching, and the Mandela Effect is still operating. So stay tuned to your mesmerizing TV sets for further "programming." Or kill your TV as soon as possible.

Tiger Woods injured in rollover car crash, undergoing surgery
(NBC News, Feb. 23, 2021) Black Buddhist golf superstar Tiger Woods has been injured in a serious one-person car accident outside Los Angeles, California. Woods has been hospitalized, reportedly with multiple leg and ankle injuries and is undergoing surgery.

(ABC News WNT) Tiger Woods in rollover car wreck

Tiger Woods seriously injured in car crash
(ABC News, Feb. 23, 2021) Golf legend Tiger Woods was taken to the hospital for surgery after being injured in a single-car crash. Read more:

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