Saturday, February 27, 2021

Tax-cheat Trump to give speech at CPAC (video)

GOP backs Trump ahead of first post-presidency paid speech at CPAC: A Closer Look
(Late Night with Seth Meyers, Feb. 25, 2021) News comedian Seth Meyers takes a closer look at Republicans continuing to rally around ex-Pres. McDonald Trump.

Don, can you assassinate Nevalny for me?
He is preparing to deliver his first speech since leaving office. It will be at CPAC 2021 (covered by CNN and other outlets) currently going on in Florida. (He has been on Fox News after being acquitted in the second impeachment trial of his tenure, interviewed by Tucker Carlson or some such suck up treating it like a rally speech).

(MSNBC) Former Pres. Trump attorney Michael Cohen blows the whistle

MAGA: Bow to the great Tax Dodger Trump before those tax filings are revealed.

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