Thursday, February 18, 2021

USA landing on MARS today (live video)

NASA; NASA JPL; Carol Meier; Pfc. Sandoval, Pat Macpherson, S. Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly
Mars and Earth: comparing atmospheres side by side (ESA/European Space Administration)
The only thing that's real: white lab coats?
There are two realities, the real thing and our consensus reality. One is ours to discover. The other is the story we tell ourselves because it's what we're told by the mainstream media, "experts," and authorities.

This story of Mars is about the ladder, ignoring the Secret Space Program.

Navy's Secret Space Program
Let's leave the elevator in El Segundo, humanoid life on Mars (and elsewhere in the galaxy, like 42 places in our own solar system, according to former CIA pilot John Lear, the son of the founder of Lear Jet, and other whistleblowers like Dr. Steven Greer MD, Dr. Michael E. Salla, and even lightweights like Richard C. Hoagland) out of it.

Here let's focus on another NASA ("Never A Straight Answer") cover story about where tax money goes (ignoring the much more expensive black budget diversions) as we pretend we're starting to "win" the space race again.

Perseverance arrives on Mars
(NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, mission trailer, 12/21/20) After nearly 300 million miles (470 million km), NASA’s "Perseverance" rover completes its journey to Mars on Thursday, Feb. 18, 2021 at 12:55 PM PST (3:00 PM EST). But to reach the surface of the Red Planet, the rover has to survive a harrowing final phase known as Entry, Descent, and Landing or the "7 Minutes of Terror," going from 12,000 MPH to 1 MPH, relatively speaking. Or so we're told. More PR from NASA:​.

Mars Perseverance Rover: What's different this time? Narrator: Carol Meier

Let's see the newest Mars rover explaining how it's different from previous ones, describing: the Mars helicopter, Range Trigger, Terrain Relative Navigation, MOXIE, RIMFAX, Cache Camera, Sample collection, and caching. Background music.

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