Friday, July 16, 2021

Jimmy Dore Show: F*dge authority! (comedy)

Mike MacRae, Glenn Greenwald (, Jimmy Dore (TJDS); Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

(The Jimmy Dore Show, July 15, 2021) Premium members ( get each episode right after it airs as a bonus. Attend a live show ( Subscribe to the newsletter (

TYT's Ana Kasparian (
Could The Young Turks, and CSUN Prof. Ana Kasparian, really be this bad? Cenk Uygur is clearly a [     ], but their whole show is a sell out and beholden to multimillionaire Katzenberg? Jimmy would know, as he previously worked with them on it. To see the pair denigrate brave world-class journalists and promote war, the American war machine, and a war mentality that serves the military-industrial complex or at least their main money source who's part of that class. This would seem to explain why the state college saw fit to employ Kasparian. The university system does not back radicals or anyone likely to rock the boat too much.

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