Friday, November 19, 2021

Mahayana rainbow: gay sutra study (video)

MC Owens (SF Dharma Collective); Ash Wells, Ananda (DB Meditation) (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
MC tends to be longwinded while saying precious little, so this actually starts at Minute 36 or 40:22.

"Manifestation of Lights" Sutra, Part 1
(San Francisco Dharma Collective, Nov. 13, 2021) Today we begin studying the "Manifestation of Lights" Sutra.

In the 50s and 60s, gay Americans loved EP.
This unusual and beautiful Mahayana sutra [apocryphal texts attributed to the Buddha though not actually taught by him] is a very long, somewhat psychedelic poem about the different types of "lights" produced by the Buddha. It is part of the Chinese Ratnakūṭa ("Heap of Jewels") Sūtra.

Join flamboyant translator and rainbow warrior MC Owens each Sunday night as he weaves humor and storytelling with modern scholarly research to open a new [more Hindu than Buddhist] dharma door through a thought-provoking engagement with Buddhist texts and ideas.
Contact Michael Owens directly if interested in "studying" privately with him. Support SFDC and MC Owens at or at Venmo (

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