Thursday, November 18, 2021

Mindfulness of poo and the body (video)

The Book of Analysis 7
Analysis of the Foundations of Mindfulness
1. Analysis According to the Discourses
The four foundations of mindfulness — Here [in this Doctrine and Discipline] a meditator dwells contemplating body in the body internally, dwells contemplating body in the body externally, dwells contemplating body in the body both internally and externally, ardent, aware, mindful, removing greed and grief with regard to the world....

1. Exposition of Contemplation on the Body
How does a meditator dwell contemplating body in the body internally? Herein a meditator reflects on the body internally, upward from the soles of the feet, downward from the tips of the hair, enclosed in skin, full of divers impurities, in this way:

“There is in this body head hair, body hair, nails, teeth, skin; flesh, sinews, bone, bone marrow, kidneys; heart, liver, membranous tissue, spleen, lungs; intestines, mesentery, undigested food, excrement; bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat; tears, lymph, saliva, nasal mucus, synovial fluid, urine.”

One pursues, develops, repeats, and fixes on that object well. Having pursued, having developed, having repeated, having fixed on that object well, one applies consciousness externally on the body (of others). 

How does a meditator dwell contemplating body in the body externally? Herein a meditator reflects on that [other] body externally, upward from the soles of the feet, downward from the tips of the hair, enclosed in skin, full of divers impurities, in this way:

“There is in that one's body head hair, body hair, nails, teeth, skin; flesh, sinews, bone, bone marrow, kidneys; heart, liver, membranous tissue, spleen, lungs; intestines, mesentery, undigested food, excrement...removing greed and grief [lust and aversion] in the world.

“Contemplating”: What is contemplation? That which is wisdom, understanding,* absence of dullness, truth investigation, right view. This is called contemplation....

Herein a meditator knows consciousness accompanied by lust (greed), “My consciousness is accompanied by lust” or knows consciousness free of lust, “My consciousness is without lust.”

One knows consciousness accompanied by aversion (hatred), “My consciousness is accompanied by aversion” or knows consciousness free of aversion, “My consciousness is without aversion.”...

One knows when answering the call of nature...  More

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