Thursday, November 25, 2021

American Indian Airwaves: "National Day of Mourning" or "Thanksgiving"?

Xochitl, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; American Indian Airwaves (Podcast Free | TuneIn)
50 years after the Occupation of Alcatraz, Native American activists honor their ancestors (Vogue)

Who knew this land would be lost?
American Indian Airwaves (AIA) is an Indigenous public affairs show, the longest running Native American radio program, created either by Indigenous, allies, or adversaries in the United States' broadcast communication histories.

It is broadcast weekly every Thursday from 7:00-8:00 pm on KPFK FM 90.7 in Los Angeles (where it can be heard in the online archives).

Day of Mourning/Thanksgiving episode aired today, Thursday, Nov. 25, 2021 at 7:00 pm). Find AIA on
'Ethnic cleansing' best describes what happened to Native Americans in Texas (
AIA is produced by Burntswamp Studio. It began broadcasting on March 1st, 1973, to give Indigenous peoples and their respective First Nations a voice about the ongoing struggles against Settler Colonialism and US imperialism by European occupiers often referred to as the United States, Canada, Mexico, and other nations within the Americas.

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