Sunday, February 20, 2022

A fable from Bhutan: "Lunana" (film)

A young teacher in modern Buddhist Bhutan named Ugyen shirks his duties while planning to go to Australia to become a singer.

As a reprimand, his superiors send him to the most remote school in the world, in a village called Lunana, to complete his national service. He finds himself exiled from his Westernized comforts after an arduous 8-day trek up the Himalayas just to get there.

In Lunana he finds no electricity, no textbooks, not even a blackboard. Though rural and poor, the villagers extend the warmest welcome to their new teacher.

But he faces the daunting task of teaching the village children without any supplies. He wants to quit and go home, yet he begins to learn of the hardship in the lives of the beautiful children he teaches.

And he begins to be transformed through the amazing spiritual strength of the villagers. Watch Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom

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