Sunday, February 13, 2022

Fauci and pandemic story are imploding

Fauci & the COVID narrative are imploding in front of our eyes | Rand Paul
(The Rubin Report, Jan. 12, 2022) Dave Rubin of "The Rubin Report" talks to Rand Paul, the U.S. Senator for Kentucky, about his most recent feud with Dr. Fauci. Sen. Paul has once again confronted Fauci with email proof that he has been dishonest about what he knew about NIH funded gain of function research in Wuhan. He also explains why the Biden administration’s COVID narrative is collapsing in front of our eyes. From the CDC acknowledging that 75% of those who died from COVID had at least four comorbidities to CNN COVID experts admitting that cloth masks don’t do much to prevent COVID transmission, the Biden administration is losing control of its narrative. Rand also discusses why he left YouTube for Rumble and how conservatives can fight big tech without relying on the government.

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