Thursday, February 24, 2022

No war in Ukraine! No to NATO! (Feb. 26)

Ashley Wells, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

URGENT! We are horrified at the [US] escalation of the conflict in Ukraine. We must come together across borders to demand a diplomatic solution to the present crisis.

As part of that solution, Ukrainian membership in NATO must be off the table. The crisis over Ukraine has exposed how dangerous NATO is. It is an aggressive military alliance that has massively expanded since the end of the Cold War.

And as we head towards the next NATO summit in Madrid in June -- and the Peace Summit organized by the movements -- let's come together, across the Atlantic, to say No to War and No to NATO!

Check out the fantastic list of speakers and cosponsors that will make up this emergency online rally:
  • Cohosts: Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK and Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
  • Speakers:
  • Jeremy Corbyn,
  • UK Member of Parliament Daniele Obono,
  • Member of the French National Assembly Sevim Dagdelen,
  • Member of the German Bundestag,
  • Committee on Foreign Affairs Vijay Prashad,
  • Tricontinental Institute for Social Research Lindsey German,
  • UK Stop the War Coalition Nora Garcia,
  • Madrid Anti-NATO Peace Summit Nina Potarska,
  • Ukraine section of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Ludo de Brabander,
  • Belgium Vrede and No to Nato Coalition
  • Nadezhda Azhgihina, Russian journalist,
  • US-Russia Women’s Call for Peace Organized by Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament,
  • Stop the War Coalition,
  • No to NATO Network
International Online Rally: No War in Ukraine - No to NATO (

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