Monday, February 14, 2022

Is Valentine's Day really pagan Lupercalia?

The History of Valentine's Day: From the Lupercalia to Cupid
(World History Encyclopedia) Learn all about the history of Valentine's Day! Before fatty chocolates, shriveling roses, and soppy letters from our valentine were given on Valentine's Day, there was the Ancient Roman festival of the Lupercalia in honor of both the agricultural god Lupercus and Lupus the she-wolf who suckled Romulus and Remus (the mythical founders of Rome).

(Jo Solo) I prefer that British woman or this American dude for history
Here are the Messed Up Origins of Valentine's Day | History Explained

Let's have a look at the legendary history of Valentine's Day and the many different Saint Valentines from history as well as the Roman festival of the Lupercalia, which has been claimed as the origin of the modern-day Valentine's Day.

  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 0:35 What is Valentine's Day?
  • 0:50 Legend of Saint Valentine
  • 1:15 The first letter sent "from your Valentine"
  • 1:41 Lupercalia Festival
  • 2:22 What happened during the Lupercalia?
  • 2:53 The first mention of Valentine’s Day in writing
  • 3:58 Central image of Valentine’s Day
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