Friday, February 25, 2022

Veterans for PEACE: Say NO to war; Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Veterans for Peace want diplomacy not war
Give humans healthcare not warfare!
Veterans for Peace condemns the invasion of Ukraine. VFP's mission remains the same. It is committed to a sustainable and just peace.

As veterans know, increased violence only fuels extremism. We have all watched, and in some cases been firsthand witnesses, to how the human beings of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and so on have had their countries and lives destroyed by U.S. and Russian military involvement.

Also see pro-peace
For the United States and Russia, the only sane course of action now is a commitment to genuine diplomacy with serious negotiations – without which, conflict could easily spiral out of control to the point of further pushing the world toward nuclear war.

Genuine diplomacy is a commitment to compromise and maintaining open lines of communication. VFP rejects punitive U.S. sanctions that harshen the lives of people across the region.

The sanctions that U.S. Pres. Biden is proposing are not "tools of diplomacy," nor are they non-violent methods of foreign policy.

Image of VFP Logo press room news
They do NOT target those responsible for war but affect vulnerable civilian populations by limiting access to basic necessities.

The U.S. has a responsibility to pursue genuine diplomacy to push for an immediate ceasefire and to apply pressure on other nations to do the same. Read full statement

Webinar recording: The Military Industrial Complex and our Culture
Webinar: Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022, VFP talks a lot about the "military-industrial complex," but what exactly is it? Who makes it up? And why are they so important?

This webinar looks at the effect these companies have on U.S. culture and how their influence has entered the world of sports, movies, charities, universities, and the media. Watch the recording.

War Industry Resisters Network
ABOUT: War Industry Resisters Network is a new coalition of groups opposing their local war companies. They have joined together to form the War Industry Resisters Network, focusing on corporate control over US foreign policy. This is the second in a series of webinars put on by the new network. Watch the first "Meet the Big 5: How the Military-Industrial Complex Controls Politics."

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