Friday, May 20, 2022

GOP sex parties; G.W. Bush; Musk (Jimmy Dore)

Mike MacRae, Glenn Greenwald, Jim Dore; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Jimmy shows recent video of George W.. and older footage about Ukraine.
Stef wraps up the show with a guest and a reading of the scrolling comments.
(TJDS) Today's live show on YouTube and at

(The Jimmy Dore Show) Failed Ex-President George W. Bush slips up and admits to his war crimes! (Dick Cheney must be cringing all over again). Elon Musk in a rage quits Democratic Party! TJDS live with Glenn Greenwald starts at approximately 3:30 pm. It is replayable for premium members, FREE for others at that time but not replayable. Catch a live show in person. Get the newsletter by email. #TheJimmyDoreShow

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