Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Crackpipe Monk (Dharma Outreach)

Drugs are like candy...can't have just one. Put down the pipe and get on the train? I'dunno.

(Dharma Nomad Gangster, May 25, 2022) Dharma Outreach with Ajahn Sujato a.k.a. Ven. Graham and Marshall (, Facebook Profile, Facebook Group). Dharma Talk #1.
Imagine the infamous Noah Levine (recovering American drug addict and author of Dharma Punx/Against the Stream plus founder of a for-profit recovery center in Hollywood, sued out of his position as any kind of Dharma leader but still hustling to have a center). Now imagine him as a monk who has not committed sexual misconduct crimes or harmed many people around him, all full of tattoos and a shiny bald head. What is left is a kind of Ajahn Sujato (not the Australian Buddhist translator formerly known as Anthony Best of fame) or Graham with his thick accent and scruffy appearance. Ten years a Theravada monk in the Thai tradition makes him a thera or "elder." So bravo that he survived parajika ("defeat") free, clean, having overcome drugs like crack! Home of The New Day Sangha| Dharma Outreach

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