Sunday, May 29, 2022

Tibetan meditation live in Pasadena (June 11)

LA Shambhala; Ananda (Dharma B Med), Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
The Rigden and Shambhala are about uncovering "basic goodness" (Bristol Shambhala UK)
Nepotism? Maybe, surely. The Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, "king" of Shambhala (NY Times)

Western Shambhala Buddhism
This monthly meditation is live and in person. Come sit in group practice. The Shambhala Center of Los Angeles remains open because of the ongoing generosity of the community.
One of the cornerstones of its policy is that no one be turned away for lack of funds. If anyone is unable to afford any Shambhala program, please call (323) 963-3001 to register based on what is affordable.

Ladies, come ask to meet my son, the Sakyong.
At this same time, the Center relies on program revenue to cover costs. For those who are able to pay more than the program price, such generosity as paying the Patron Price (when available) helps cover the costs for others who are unable to pay the full price. And it provides additional support to the Shambhala Center of Los Angeles. Thank for the kindness!
We love our gurus, the Sakyong and his dad.
If canceling more than 7 days prior to a class (and have already paid), you will receive a full refund minus a processing fee of $15. If canceling between 1 to 7 days prior to arrival, payment will be credited towards another program at Shambhala Los Angeles to be used within one (1) year. No refunds or credits are issued for cancellations received fewer than 24 hours prior to arrival.

Shambhala's history of guru sexual misconduct and power abuse
Cops were called to investigate Sakyong.
In February 2018, Buddhist Project Sunshine, an organization founded as a survivors' network for former Shambhala members [8], reported multiple allegations of sexual assault within the Shambhala community [9].

In June 2018, Buddhist Project Sunshine issued a second report detailing sexual misconduct by [the living leader of the corporation or money-making entity] Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche that occurred [only up to] 2011 and claimed that those within Shambhala International had concealed the misdeeds [10, 5].

In response, Sakyong Mipham stepped aside from his leadership role and the Shambhala governing council resigned [1, 11].

Oh my king!!! - STFU, B! My wife'll hear us!
Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche also issued a statement saying "...that some of these women have shared experiences of feeling harmed [because of me doing things to them] as a result of these relationships [when I was cheating on my wife]. I am now making a public apology" [12].

In July 2018, Colorado's Naropa Institute removed him from their board following the allegations of sexual misconduct [13].

In August 2018, Buddhist Project Sunshine released another report containing further allegations against Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche that included [child molestation, statutory rape, and exploitation or what's a nicer way of putting it, hmm, maybe] sexual encounters with minors [14, 15] a charge that the Sakyong has denied [while admitting to many other things] [16].

Shhh! Telling is against Mahayana precepts!
In December 2018, the Larimer County, Colorado Sheriff's Office opened an investigation of the allegations of sexual assault [17, 18]. The investigation was closed in February 2020, and no charges were filed [which makes him innocent as far as the lawyers are concerned, even if the female members are screaming bloody hypocrisy and quitting in droves] [19].

In February 2019, Shambhala International's interim governing council issued a report by Wickwire Holm, a Canadian law firm, that detailed two credible allegations of sexual misconduct against Sakyong Mipham [20, 21, 22].

Shambhala Founder Chogyam Trungpa, businessman
Later that month, six members of his Kusung (body guards) wrote an open letter corroborating a pattern of physical and sexual misconduct and other concerns [23, 24].

Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche subsequently stated that he would cease teaching for the "foreseeable future" [25]. He then returned to teaching in March, 2020, instructing a group of 108 students in Nepal [because, you know, the future isn't what it used to be] [6].

In September 2020, The Walrus published an investigative report detailing a culture of abuse dating back to early days of the Shambhala Buddhist organization, with all three leaders of the organization, including its founder, [the sexually abusive and intoxicated founding guru, who is the father of Sakyong Mipham], Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, having been credibly accused of sexual misconduct and abuse of power [26].

[The make believe] "Lineage" of Sakyongs
This is the wife I cheat on and one of our daughters. We have an arrangement, so shut up.
Sakyong's sexual misconduct likely (
The Sakyong holds and propagates the teachings of Shambhala [which began with this Sakyong's dad in the previous generation, after Dad set himself up as "king"]. This tradition emphasizes confidence in the "basic goodness" of all beings and [says it] teaches courageous rulership based on wisdom and compassion.

Well, what do you think? Sex?
The term "Sakyong" literally means "earth-protector" in Tibetan, although it is colloquially understood to mean "king."

Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche is regarded by his [cult] followers as a chögyal (Sanskrit dharmaraja) – a "king of truth"[lol] – who combines the spiritual and worldly paths [emphasis on worldliness, which made the hippies in the Sixties love this kind of "Buddhism lite"]. More + links and supporting documentation

Previous abuse by Shambhala gurus
"Shambhala Buddhism" Founder Chogyam Trungpa and his appointed regent Tommy Rich
  • There have been three gurus. What happened to the second guru leader named Tommy Rich ("Ösel Tendzin")? He was appointed by the Founder Chogyam Trungpa, who died in ignominy. 
The new (some say "make believe") Shambhala lineage passed to the American disciple Thomas Rich, who abused the office by having sex with students and more, contracting AIDS, and spreading it to other students.

In 1989 it was revealed that Mr. Rich had contracted HIV and knowingly continued to have unsafe sex with his [male and female?] students without informing them for nearly three years.

If it's good enough for Pema, it's good enough
Some of these students later died of AIDS [56, 57]. Others close to Mr. Rich, including the board of directors, knew for two years that he was HIV-positive and sexually active but kept silent about it to enable him [58]. This damaged Shambhala and Tibetan Buddhism in general in the United States. The leadership of Shambhala then passed on to Trungpa's eldest son and heir, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, who continued the sexually abusive lineage and further damaged the money-making organization. More: Wiki

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