Thursday, July 7, 2022

Jealous type? Study of personality traits

PsyPost via, June 30, 2022; Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Which personality traits go along with being “the jealous type”? A study published in Frontiers in Psychology suggests that there are people who are
  • high in neuroticism
  • low in agreeableness
  • low in openness
I was just cheating. What's my b/f's problem?
are more likely to be jealous in their romantic relationships.

Jealousy is a trait that tends to be thought of in regard to romantic relationships, but it can occur in a myriad of situations throughout the lifespan.

Jealousy, while thought of as unpleasant, can also be said to serve adaptive functions.

Attachment style and jealousy have been researched before, showing different jealousy tendencies for people with secure, anxious, or avoidant attachment.

You did what? - I was needy! - Disgusting!
The Big Five personality traits have been studied in regard to many constructs, including relationship satisfaction and interpersonal relationships. Despite this, there is a lack of research about the Big Five’s relationship with jealousy. This study seeks to bridge this gap.

Marina Richter and colleagues collected a research sample of 509 women and 338 men, who were recruited from flyers, psychology mailing lists, blogs, and social media. They ranged in age from 18 to 63. The sample was predominantly heterosexual and around 3/4 of the participants were in a committed relationship.

Participants completed measures on the Big Five personality traits, adult attachment, romantic jealousy, and relationship status variable. More

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