Thursday, December 28, 2023

Gen Z Jewish teen refuses to kill for Israel

Tal Mitnick (Yahoo); Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Shauna Schwartz (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
I prefer peace (Jewish Voice for Peace)

Tal Mitnick with anti-fascism sign (Tal Mitnick)
A Gen Z Israeli has been sent to prison for refusing to enlist in the Israeli military, which ordinary citizens are forced to do in the apartheid state of Israel.
Hamas took my Boobala to Gaza.
Tal Mitnick says he cannot support [Israel's endless] cycle of violence and oppression of Palestinian people.

Mitnick has been sentenced to 30 days in prison before being screened once again [and he gets to keep his soul, unless Netanyahu needs it for something else in the future].
Bibi, give them their taxes! - Shut up, Joe.
A Gen Z Israeli is going to military prison after refusing to enlist in the country's military amid its war with Hamas, saying he won't be part of an 'eye for an eye' cycle of violence.

Jewish Tal Mitnick, an 18-year-old from Tel Aviv, Israel, is one of several young Israelis defying Israel's mandatory military service, but he is the first to be sent to military prison during his country's war on Palestinians using the pretext that it is only trying to kill "Hamas" (and its supporters and anyone who looks like they might be one or the other, which is just about everyone in Palestine).

See, these are good boys threatening violence.
Israel invaded Gaza and declared war against Hamas after the militant group fought back by attacking Israel's perimeter, where Israel put kibbutzim (militant communes spying on Gaza Concentration Camp and acting as a first line of defense hemming in Palestinians) in October. 

Mitnick was sentenced on Tuesday to 30 days in prison after refusing to enlist in the IDF (Israeli Offensive Forces), a spokesperson for the IDF told Business Insider.

We'll kick that peacenik Tal's ass later.
In a lengthy personal statement shared with Business Insider, Mitnick said that he supports Palestinian people and does not want to contribute to Israel's attacks on Gaza.

"Before the war, the [Israeli] army guarded [illegal Jewish Israeli] settlements, maintained the murderous siege on the Gaza Strip, and upheld the status quo of apartheid and Jewish supremacy in the land between the Jordan and the sea," Mitnick wrote in his statement. More

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