Friday, January 26, 2024

Israel guilty of genocide but no ceasefire: ICJ

Democracy Now, 1/26/24; Sheldon S., Ash Wells, Shauna Schwartz (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
On one thing, all demonstrators are agreed: "Ceasefire now" (except pro-Israel war criminals)

We were depending on the ICJ to do everything all at once? That was like expecting a government agent in the Mueller investigation of charging, prosecuting, and bringing down Donald Trump when he had the chance. It will take more time, but it's historic what the court decided.

Guilty or not, there will be no ceasefire.
In a highly anticipated ruling, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague in the Netherlands has found that there is a “real and imminent risk” that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.

And the ICJ supported “at least some” of the provisional measures the plaintiff, South Africa, had requested when it brought the case in order to rein in Israel’s war crimes and genocidal military assault.

We demand an immediate ceasefire.
Though the ruling falls short of calling for an immediate ceasefire, analysts say it is nevertheless a significant milestone.

Democracy Now! discusses the “unprecedented” decision by the World Court with a panel of experts:
  • Palestinian human rights attorney Diana Buttu,
  • genocide scholar Raz Segal, and
  • scholar of colonialism Mahmood Mamdani.
So we go kill more Arabs, Bibi? (IDF)
“It becomes imperative upon the world community to now act,” says Buttu. “This is the beginning of a process of isolating Israel,” adds Segal.

Transcript and more: International Court of Justice orders Israel to prevent genocide in Gaza BUT fails to order ceasefire (Democracy Now!)

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