Friday, February 16, 2024

Candace Owens is antisemitic? Damn 'DC Jews'

Family Guy; The Young Turks, Feb. 16, 2024; Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Candace Owens goes on possibly antisemitic rant against 'D.C. Jews'
(The Young Turks) Black conservative host Candace Owens went on a lengthy, trope-filled rant on her show. Some feel it is antisemitic, so it must be because feelings can't be wrong. Rayyvana, Jackson White, and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks.
Hey, what about Black women, Candace, d'ya'all like Taylor Swift?

This graphic can't be correct, can it?
CANDACE OWENS (HOST): "The point that I want to make is throughout my entire life, so many Jewish people, I had never heard any of those individuals that I just mentioned refer to someone as an antisemite or refer to someone as a Jew-hater.

"Actually, looking back, all of them had pretty good lives. So why would they do that? Why would they want to victimize themselves or refer to people that were treating them well as something that they're not? I had never seen that before in my entire life, right, until I got into politics.

It must be a strange coincidence.
"And I got to be honest, I didn't understand it at first. I was trying to reconcile the Jewish people that I grew up with and who I love and who are my friends and who are my ex-boyfriend, I guess you would say, with this sort of DC Jew who was using these words not because they believed that what they were hearing was actually antisemitism or Jew-hating, but to basically silence people.

What does Elon Musk know about anything?
"They were threatening people. What I started to recognize and what I now understand is that just like Black people are not a monolith, Jewish people are not a monolith. There are all different types of Jewish people." Read more:

ABOUT: #TYT is the largest online progressive news show in the world that's hosted Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur. LIVE weekdays 6:00-8:00 pm ET.

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