Sunday, February 25, 2024

Atheist "denominations" explained (video)

Matt Baker (Useful Charts, 2/23/24); Religion for Breakfast; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Atheist "denominations" explained
Is there freedom from religion in America?
(UsefulCharts) Feb. 23, 2024: There are no "denominations" of any religion or nonreligion other than Christians, who have over 200 in the U.S. alone, with many more sects and offshoots ("splitters"). But for the purposes here, the term is being used to signify schools and groups in general. So there are the Humanist Atheists and the megachurch of the Scientist Atheists, Nontheists (aka some Buddhists) and Anti-Theists (Secularists but not Satanists, who all believe in God or else what's the point of opposing and following the prophesized Antichrist?), Materialist Atheists and Nihilist Atheists (who believe we exist by chance and will all cease to exist and enter oblivion at death), those darn Snarky Standup Comedian Atheists and the lowly Spiritual Atheists who don't believe in God because they heard the XTC song "Dear God" and really liked it. 

CREDITS: Chart and narration by Matt Baker. Guest narration by @ReligionForBreakfast Animation by Syawish Rehman. Audio editing by Ali Shahwaiz Theme music: "Lord of the Land" by Kevin MacLeod and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution license 4.0. Available from

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