Thursday, February 22, 2024

Private US company lands on Moon (video)

Update: Emilia David; Elizabeth Howell, Space ( via, 2/22/24); Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Fake Moon Landings: Conspiracy theorists found something wrong with photo of Apollo 17
With my P-9 camera with super zoom or with a lens attachment, why can't we see the landing like we see details of craters and a strange regular screen wave like a hologram artifact might look? It's not as if the lander is going to the dark side, but rather the side facing us.
It's odd that a flying machine that goes through radiation belts and a quarter million mile journey is wrapped in mylar and/or tinfoil and that a photo of it is an obvious CGI with a laughable grey clipart moon. The moon should be very bright with all that sun it's reflecting, and it is actually known to have a lot of color. This is not an independent private project but one meddled with to not reveal anything NASA has been claiming to have accomplished over the decades.
The moon emits light...or it reflects like this.
Hours ahead of its moon landing, Odysseus snapped a picture of a lunar crater. The Intuitive Machines lander beamed home an image of the Bel’kovich K crater, a roughly 31-mile (50-kilometer) divot in the moon's northern equatorial highlands.
Breakthroughs in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence with AI (

Mountains in the center were "made when the crater was formed," officials wrote Wednesday (Feb. 21, 2024) on X, formerly Twitter.
Capitalists to mine our moon for private profit.
Odysseus successfully entered lunar orbit on Wednesday following a crucial engine burn and is slated to touch down near the moon's south pole on Thursday afternoon (Feb. 22) no earlier than 4:24 pm EST (2144 GMT).

Tune in to the [supposed] landing live at, courtesy of NASA ["Never A Straight Answer"], or directly via the space agency. Coverage will begin at 3:00 pm EST (2100 GMT).
If Odysseus makes it, the lander will be the first private machine to successfully soft land on the moon and the first American vehicle overall to do so since the crewed Apollo 17 mission achieved the feat in 1972.

How antimatter engines could fly humans to other stars in just a few years (

  • Watch the attempt at
  • Intuitive Machines' Odysseus lander beams home a selfie in lunar orbit on Feb. 21, 2024. (Image credit: Intuitive Machines) © provided by
Why no AI robot with cameras sending video?
The mission launched on Feb. 15 on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, bringing along 12 payloads for lunar investigations.

Six of those experiments are from NASA and associated with the agency's Commercial Lunar Payload Services program, or CLPS.

Water means life, atmosphere, fuel, and crops.
NASA aims to use CLPS missions for science investigations ahead of the agency's Artemis program, which itself plans to put astronauts back on the moon in the 2020s and eventually establish a permanent base at the lunar south pole.

The region is rich in water (ice), which is useful for (hydrogen) fueling and machinery. More

Moon mission?
It's a nice thought, humanity spreading its wings and flying into the heavens, not too close to the sun, but it's not happening the way we're shown, Eric Dubay assures us.

John Lear confirmed on one of his final appearances that it's not that NASA lies about this or that; it's ALL a lie, everything we're told. We have no idea about space, the secret space program, the more than 40 platforms out there.
Spiritual Science (Eric Dubay)
Recyclable missions using the Space Shuttle had to take up supplies, lengthening mission, because things up there are much nearer than we're told. It does not take the time to reach them like we're told. But what is the moon or hologram blocking the moon? Will we ever know? Not from NASA, from which there is never a straight answer.

NASA space videos have been debunked already. Find them on YouTube, or if they have been sanitized from there, see and other video hosting sites that do not censor what the government asks them to ban.

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