Saturday, February 24, 2024

Trump BEGS judge over $454m! He's denied

Rey Harris, TAG24 News/MSN, 2/22/24; Pfc. Sandoval, S. Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Judge gave Trump 30 days to pay $454 million civil fraud judgment or post a bond to cover the amount to be able to appeal it. He'll owe an additional $112,000 in interest each day he doesn't
How Democrats could disqualify Trum if the Supreme Court doesn't (The Atlantic)
What could he have said? Please, Judge, please! I've got cash flow problems right now. I'm trying to get back in the White House. My wife hates me and won't touch me. My kids just want an inheritance. My daughter will no longer date me. For the love of Money, give me a break!

Judge, please, I'm trying to get reelected.
NEW YORK, New York - Former President Donald John Trump has asked the judge in his civil business fraud trial to delay the penalties attached to the damages he owes [which amount to between $355 and $454.5 million when back dated interest is included].

But the New York attorney general insists it shouldn't happen.

On Wednesday, Donald Trump and his legal team filed a request for a judge to delay penalties attached to damages he owes in his New York fraud trial.

I'm sorry, your Honor. I'm fundraising online.
According to ABC News, Trump's attorneys submitted the request on Wednesday for Judge Engoron to delay the enforcement of penalties by 30 days, citing the "magnitude" of the ruling on the trial as presenting a need for an "orderly post-judgment process."

"The Attorney General has not filed any motion on notice, nor moved to settle the proposed Judgment," the filing states regarding New York Attorney General Letitia James, who has led the case. More:
Trump’s mad at Jimmy AGAIN, right wing’s nuttiest Republicans gather, and MyPillow Mike falling apart
Order! This court will come to order! There's nothing funny about this deluded man's fine.
(Jimmy Kimmel Live) Feb. 22, 2024: Our worst and dimmest gathered for the annual CPAC convention in Washington DC, Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara (nepotistic wife of Eric) was the bigly speaker today, there were a bunch of crazy seminars run by the best in the business, Donald gave Jimmy a shoutout on Truth Social, blundering dotard Pres. Biden touched down in San Francisco today, according to CNN his German shepherd dog "Commander" was involved in far more biting incidents than was previously reported, MyPillow Mike Lindell has been ordered to pay 5 million for the “Prove Mike Wrong Challenge,” which he lost when he was proven wrong about election interference, and Mike’s out there promoting fellow election deniers like Blake Masters who is running for Congress in Arizona. #Kimmel

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