Thursday, February 22, 2024

What if humans are NOT earth's first? (PBS)

PBS Space Time, 12/7/23; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly Nagas in the News

What if humans are NOT earth's first civilization? | Silurian hypothesis
(PBS Space Time) We might be the first technological civilization on Earth. But what if we’re not? We are almost certainly not, depending on who "we" refers to.

The Sumerians, the Indus Valley Civilization, Turkey/Anatolia's Gobekli Tepe culture, all of the ancient wonders of the Americas and Africa that can't be replicated by us now, if all of those count, we still are almost certainly not the first.

Life on this earth is very ancient, going back hundreds of millions of years, according to the Forbidden Archeologist Michael Cremo, Buddhist and Vedic records, and others in Europe and hidden here and there waiting to be discovered and explained away as anomalies.

Buddhist Sakka is Saint Michael
We are the first, insists PBS. (They don't want to get labelled woo-woo or nuts, after all). Although how sure are we, really? The Silurian hypothesis, which asks whether pre-human industrial civilizations might have existed, is a real thing.

Who were the Reptilians (the Nagas of Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain lore) or the "dragons" of the Bible?
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